Pacific Basin Law Journal Requests Article Submissions

The Pacific Basin Law Journal is seeking China-related article and comment submissions for publication in Volume 27:2.

Here’s what they say:

We are accepting submissions for Volume 27:2 through the end of January.? Submissions received after January will be considered in our rolling admissions process for Volume 28.? Preference is given to articles under 25,000 words or 50 journal pages, including text and footnotes.? Comments should be at least 10,000 words total.? Text and footnotes should follow the latest version of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

The PBLJ Articles and Comments Department evaluates submissions based upon relevancy to the Pacific Rim, as well as innovation and writing style.? Please refer to past issues of the Pacific Basin Law Journal available on HeinOnline, Westlaw, or LexisNexis.

The Pacific Basin Law Journal prefers electronic submissions of manuscripts.? Please email submissions to [email protected] and?attach the manuscript, a cover letter, and a CV in either Word or PDF format.? Please indicate in the subject line AND the cover letter whether you are submitting for consideration an article or a comment.? Electronic submissions receive the fastest consideration.? If you wish to submit a hard copy instead, please send an email to [email protected] and we will arrange for you to do so.

If you have any questions, please email Diana Wang at [email protected] or Leland Benton at [email protected] .

Diana Wang and Leland Benton
Chief Articles Editor and Chief Comments Editor, Volume 27
UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal