OUP Law Yearbooks To Go Online

John Louth, the Editor-in-Chief Academic Law at Oxford University Press has sent out the following message to UK LIS LAW

Law Yearbooks from Oxford ? Announcement of online availability and change of purchasing model
From January 2011 the law yearbooks from Oxford University Press, previously available only in print, have been available online as well. Online subscriptions will come with a recent archive going back to 1996. To launch this initiative we are making all of this content (except for the very latest volume of each title) freely available until the end of February 2011. To view, browse, and search the material click on these links (or find them on the Oxford Law Journals page http://www.oxfordjournals.org/subject/law/

British Year Book of International Law <http://bybil.oxfordjournals.org/
Yearbook of International Environmental Law <http://yielaw.oxfordjournals.org/
Yearbook of European Law <http://yel.oxfordjournals.org/
Current Legal Problems <http://clp.oxfordjournals.org/

A full archive, available for purchase on a perpetual access basis, will be added later in 2011. New content for future volumes will become available online to subscribers as it is processed (known as ?publish ahead of print?).

Change of Purchasing Model ? Please Read Carefully
As you may know the most recent volumes of these four titles were published (in the UK) in December 2010 and this month. These volumes still need to be purchased on standing order or as stand alone purchases, but thereafter new volumes will need to be purchased as part of a subscription with the usual options for online only, print only, and combined print and online in accordance with the standard Oxford Journals pricing model.

To avoid confusion, these are the last volumes to be sold as print only and as standing orders:
British Year Book of International Law ???volume 80/2009
Yearbook of International Environmental Law ???volume 20/2009
Yearbook of European Law ?????????volume 29/2010
Current Legal Problems ????????????????volume 63/2010

These are the first volumes to come available online ahead of print and sold as subscriptions:
British Year Book of International Law ???volume 81/2010
Yearbook of International Environmental Law ???volume 21/2010
Yearbook of European Law ?????????volume 30/2011
Current Legal Problems ????????????????volume 64/2011

[NB: You will notice that in the case of British Year Book of International Law and Yearbook of International Environmental Law the year that is covered by a volume is not the same as the year in which it publishes. That is because each of these titles has a substantial ?year in review? component which cannot be written until that year is over. There has been some confusion over whether invoices relate to the period covered by a subscription or the year covered by a volume. For the avoidance of doubt it is best to quote volume numbers rather than years.]

Any queries should be addressed to jnls.cust.serv@oup.com