Only In Australia. Comedian, Nick Giannopoulos’, Lawyers Send Cease & Desist Letters To Comedians “demanding they stop using the word “wog” to promote their shows”

Radio 3AW reports.Australian comedians have branded Nick Giannopoulos “petty” after his lawyers sent letters to rivals, demanding they stop using the word “wog” to promote their shows.

It’s understood The Wog Boy star has trademarked the term.


Giannopoulos, of Greek descent, rose to prominence with the show Wogs Out Of Work in the 1980s.

Italo-Australian comedian Gabriel Rossi has performed A Very Woggy Xmas for 18 years and told Neil Mitchell on Monday he’d since changed it to A Very Ethnic Xmas, just to be safe.

“I think he’s being petty, to be honest,” Rossi said on 3AW Mornings.
