Only 6 sleeps till Biall Conference 2023 in Belfast

What to pack for conference!

I remember BIALL’s last conference in Belfast and my experience of getting my exhibition goodies home! I ended up wearing a second pair of clothes and coat to free up space in my carry-on bag for the flight home.

So, you may have started your packing already, but if not here’s some essentials you’ll need.

Conference items (Chargers, Laptops, Official documents to travel and Cash)




Our mobile phones are an essential part of our lives — but if your charger, battery pack, etc. isn’t at conference with you it could prove problematic!

It’s also wise to put the charger in an easy to reach pocket should you need it at a moment’s notice.
Your laptop/device, especially for those who are attending Parallel 3C ‘Using LinkedIn to build your personal brand’ it’s essential— & it’s charger too.

Cash for the Charity Raffle.

We will be using the Conference App for all things conference; including notifications to speaker sessions and refreshment/lunch events, you can create meetings with suppliers or colleagues, and of course the interactive game. However, if you need a notebook and pen pack it in your bag, and you may wish to bring some business cards too.

A water bottle and carry cup or Keep Cup (if needed, or maybe that’s just for those of us who like to have caffeine and water close by!).


It looks like the weather is going to be changeable, so remember to pack something warm to throw on and off during conference hours, and an umbrella or raincoat would be advisable for outside.

Comfy clothing and shoes to get you through the days.

Thursday night’s dress code will be ‘evening wear for ladies and either black tie or lounge suits for gentleman.’ 
