One-in-five large law firms issue warnings over use of generative AI or ChatGPT, survey finds

Global Legal Post writes

Half of legal professionals agree generative AI should be used for legal work, despite concerns over accuracy, privacy, confidentiality and security

Awareness of generative AI tools among legal professionals is high but only around half believe it should be used for legal work amid serious concerns around accuracy and privacy, according to a new report.

Some 15% of respondents to a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters, said their firms had issued a warning around use of generative AI or ChatGPT at work, rising to 21% of those at large law firms, while 6% said their firms had banned unauthorised usage outright.

While most respondents (82%) to the poll of more than 400 legal professionals at law firms in the US, UK and Canada agreed that such tools could be applied to legal work, that percentage fell to just over half when respondents were asked whether they should be applied. The remaining respondents were roughly split between those who did not believe it should be applied to legal work (24%) and those who did not know either way (25%).

Jason Adaska, director of the Innovation Lab at US law firm Holland & Hart, said in the report he is finding a similar shift in attitudes among those at his firm.

“The biggest delta I’ve seen is just people understanding that the realm of the possible has sort of shifted in a monumental way,” he said, adding that this means generative AI education has become critical.

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