One Day You’re ‘Cinderella’ and Less Than a Second Later ‘You’re Quasimodo’: Says Johnny Depp

For the past six years, Johnny Depp has seen his Hollywood star descend from his beloved turn as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean to an outcast described bluntly as a “wife-beater” in the international press. Preceding that came an infamous photograph of his ex-wife Amber Heard with a black eye in People magazine and a constant spew of lurid allegations trickling out of courts in the United States and internationally.

In long-anticipated testimony on Tuesday, Depp told his tale as he sees it at length in a small courthouse in Fairfax County, Va., where he has been pursuing a $50 million defamation lawsuit against Heard for depicting herself as a survivor of domestic abuse in the Washington Post.

“So strange when one day you’re Cinderella, so to speak, and then in 0.6 seconds, you’re Quasimodo,” Depp marveled, in reflecting upon his troubled childhood, his relationship with Heard, and the precipitous freefall of his career.

“I didn’t deserve that, nor did my children, nor did the people who have believed in me for all these years,” Depp said. “I didn’t want anybody, any of those people to believe that I had done them wrong or lied to them or that I was a fraud. I pride myself on honesty, I pride myself on truth. Truth is the only thing I’m interested in.”

Describing himself as “obsessed with truth,” Depp added: “Today is my actually my first opportunity that I’ve been able to speak about this case in full for for the first time.”

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One Day You’re ‘Cinderella’ and Less Than a Second Later ‘You’re Quasimodo’: Johnny Depp Breaks Six-Year Silence on Amber Heard in Long-Awaited Testimony