Oceans 2: Bad Boy Librarian & Bookseller Plead Guilty To $US8 Million Theft Of Rare Books Over 25 Years

A librarian and a book shop owner have pleaded guilty to theft charges after $8million of rare books went missing over a 25-year period from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Reports The Daily Mail

Gregory Priore, a former archivist at the library, and John Schulman, the owner of Caliban Book shop in Pittsburgh, admitted theft and receiving stolen goods charges.

Gregory Priore, a former archivist at the library, and John Schulman Bookseller

The pair were accused of stealing or damaging more than $8million in rare books and materials from historical documents, including a George Washington journal worth around $250,000 and a book of letters by famous figures such as Abraham Lincoln worth $100,000.

Although both men had been in contact since the early 1990s, it took around 25 years for the scheme to be uncovered, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Prosecutors said a Carnegie Library staff member auditing the museum’s Oliver Room, which houses its rare items, noticed some pieces were vandalized or missing altogether.

More at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7886851/Librarian-book-shop-owner-charged-8m-books-missing-Pittsburgh-library-25-years-ago.html