NY Lawyer Fired After Allegedly Snatching Wig Off A Black Woman In Viral Video

A New York man is now unemployed after a viral video showed him allegedly snatching the wig off a Black woman’s head. According to The Root, on Tuesday (May 30), attorney Anthony Orlich was let go from his position as a litigator for Leader Berkon Colao & Silverstein LLP once TikTok viewers identified him and made complaints.

Orlich’s company profile no longer exists and a statement was issued by the law firm.

“We have been made aware of a video of a non-work related incident involving one of our associates circulating on social media,” reads the memo issued by Orlich’s now former employer. “We take seriously any inappropriate behavior by any employee, whether inside or outside the workplace. This associate is no longer with the Firm.”

Read more: https://www.vibe.com/news/national/lawyer-fired-viral-video-snatching-wig-black-woman-1234761049/