Steve Matthews of Stem Legal writes:
2008 Nominations
Between now and Friday December 27th, you may nominate a Canadian authored legal blog in one of two possible ways.
Simply email your favourite blog (yes, you can nominate your own) with some of your finest 2008 posts or any other notable highlights to Steve Matthews at
Or method number two, and this is much more fun … write a blog post about three other Canadian law blogs you currently read and tell us why those blogs are important to you. Now, here’s the bonus: in doing so, you are expected to be a humble Canadian and tell us NOTHING about your own blog. In return, your blog will receive a thorough review, as will your suggested peers, AND you get a chance to plug a fellow Canadian blogger!
Noted: No, we’re not voting like the ABA… but linking out to fellow Canadian legal bloggers adds to our infrastructure, and let’s us share audiences. That way, the process helps everyone, and the award is simply a final recognition.
The categories remain the same as previous years; but please don’t worry about submitting categories. We’ll figure that part out. Where we would like some help though, is identifying US & European law blogs that pay attention (and link) to Canadian legal blogosphere! So feel free to share your thoughts either via your email nomination or including a link in your nomination blog post.
And that’s it! Stay tuned & watch out for Clawbies 2008 coming this New Year’s Eve!!
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