Next EU Databases User Group meeting will take place on Monday 12 June 2023

We would like to invite you to the next EU Databases User Group meeting. This will take place on Monday 12 June 2023 at 12 noon (GMT) on Zoom.


Topics and speakers:

EFTA Implementation Status Database – Catherine Howdle (Deputy Director, EFTA Surveillance Authority) and Kjersti Sneve (Data Protection Officer & ESA Archives Officer, EFTA Surveillance Authority)

The UK’s EU Retained Law Bill  – Professor Catherine Barnard (Cambridge University)



Nominations to the EUDUG committee are requested for the AGM. Committee members Frederico Rocha, Chair, Ruth Dabbs, Membership Secretary; Hester Swift, Secretary; Tina Tse, Treasurer; Maylis Campbell, Margaret Watson and Suzanne Traue have expressed willingness to stand again. If you would like to join the Committee, please put your name forward to Hester Swift, EUDUG Secretary ([email protected]) by 5 pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023.