New Swedish Tech Law Firm , Synch, Opens San Francisco Office

Only 3 years young and opening an office in San Fran !


Here’s the press release…

Synch, one of the fastest growing law firms in Scandinavia, is the first Swedish agency to establish itself in the San Francisco area. Synch’s focus on digital business and technology is especially suitable for both large, established companies and new start-ups in and around Silicon Valley.

Synch is a young law firm that started just over three years ago, and has during a short period of time positioned itself as one of the most sought-after business-oriented law firms in the Nordic region, focusing on digitization, technology and biotechnology. Synch has attracted great attention and has been shortlisted in the Financial Times as one of the most innovative agencies in Europe.

When starting Synch, the four founders – Sara Sparring, Andreas Börjesson, Johan Tydén and Jim Runsten – were inspired of how US business lawyers work with the Silicon Valley-based innovation companies.

“We liked the different way of working and the strong focus on fast-growing companies. We decided to take the model here to the Nordics and adapt it to the local conditions. This strategy has exceeded our expectations”, said Synch’s CEO Jim Runsten.

Synch today consists of more than 30 lawyers. Growth has been strong, and in 2016, revenues increased by almost 50 per cent, which is the second highest increase among Swedish law firms.

In conjunction with the establishment in California, Synch has employed Malin Verga as International Expansion Manager. Malin has until now been working at the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco & Silicon Valley. She has a Degree of Masters of Law and has since graduation worked with company establishments and migration issues.

Synch’s office in San Francisco will both offer Swedish companies help and advice how to act and establish business contacts on the West Coast, as well as create a presence and visibility for local law firms, investors and companies in need of help in the Nordic region.

”It is exciting to represent Synch here in San Francisco. Synch is absolutely right with its focus and strategy. We can help Swedish companies to establish themselves here in the US, as well as US companies and investors who want to take the step to Europe”, said Malin Verga.

For more information, please contact: CEO Jim Runsten, [email protected], +46 761 761 999 or

Synch is a law firm with an experienced and internationally recognised law team focusing on digital business and technology. Synch offers the market unique flexibility through its award winning ”blended delivery model”, where the firm’s innovative “managed services” (Synch Wherever) and digital services (WeSynch) are complemented by traditional advisory and project related services.