The Eureka City Council has updated local cannabis rules in an effort to streamline permitting and enforcement while expanding the types of activities the city allows.

The revised ordinance removes the cap on new cannabis businesses; reduces the number of cannabis permitting types from 13 to 3; adds flexibility to enforcement options to allow administrative citations before license revocation; and provides guidance for cannabis events.

“A cannabis event would require the approval of a temporary cannabis event permit, would require state approval through the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) and, if outdoors, on a city street or other public property, a temporary cannabis event would also require a city-approved special event permit,” according to Senior Planner Riley Topolewski. A temporary event would run a maximum of four days.

The city already has a document that specifies rules for on-site consumption at temporary cannabis events. It was developed in 2018 to allow for consumption at cannabis lounges.

The ordinance update was approved 4-0. Councilman Scott Bauer was not present for the vote.

Read more at the Local Coast Outpost.