New Publication: Transcripts of Judicial Proceedings in England and Wales: a Guide to Sources

Sally Mclaren at the? Inner Temple Library has? compiled a new publication? the “Transcripts of Judicial Proceedings in England and Wales: a Guide to Sources? 2011”. (166 pages)

She writes….

This revised and expanded edition of the Inner Temple Library?s 2006 guide to sources of transcripts is now available as a PDF document.

The guide is intended primarily for libraries and information service staff who may need to obtain, or assist others to obtain, transcripts of the proceedings of courts and tribunals in England and Wales.

A major feature of this new edition is its greatly expanded coverage of tribunals. It is hoped that users of the guide may find this particularly useful at a time of change and transition in tribunal administration.

The transcript content of major subscription-based internet services, such as Lexis or Westlaw, is not included.

In most cases the service providers included in the guide were consulted directly, either in writing or by telephone, in order to ensure that the information given about their services is as accurate as possible.

The guide will be available at the special price of ?12.99 until March 31st, after which it will be priced at ?19.99. These prices are for single-use only.? For information on multiple use (e.g. corporate intranet) please contact

Payment can be made by cheque, credit card or Paypal. Cheques should be made payable to ?Inner Temple Library? and sent to Inner Temple Library, Inner Temple, London, EC4Y 7DA.