Seriously you cannot make this shit up..
Above the Law’s lowdown on the latest GOP village idiot to take the chair
Mike Johnson: “If you lend your 16 year old child the family car and they bring it home dented, is it okay to abort them, just answer the question.”
— ??????_?????? (@SundaeDivine) October 25, 2023
Thanks to agent of God Matt Gaetz, Mike Johnson is the new Speaker of the House. Johnson has a lot of thoughts on “the law.” He once suggested that marriage equality would result in people marrying their pets and asked a congressional witness to opine on whether or not it was legal to “abort” a 16-year-old.
No, seriously that’s something this man was actually stupid enough to ask out loud.
But did you know he used to run a law school!
Or… not. As it turns out the much-ballyhooed Louisiana College (now Louisiana Christian College) Judge Paul Pressler School of Law never ended up opening under Johnson’s crackerjack leadership.
Who’s Judge Paul Pressler, you might ask? GLAD YOU DID!
In recent sworn testimony, [anti-LGBTQ+ activist and Pressler law firm partner Jared] Woodfill said he’d known since 2004 of an allegation that Pressler had sexually abused a child. Woodfill learned of those claims, he said, during mediation of an assault lawsuit filed against Pressler that he helped quietly settle for nearly a half-million dollars at the time. Despite his knowledge of the accusation, Woodfill continued to work with Pressler for nearly a decade — leaning on Pressler’s name and reputation to bolster their firm, Woodfill & Pressler LLP.
Most law schools have to wait a 100 years or so before they get shamed by their namesakes.
Aside from being a judge, Pressler occupied a leading role in converting the Southern Baptist Convention to hardcore conservatism in the 1970s. And if you aren’t familiar with how wild the 70s were for Baptists politically, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution advocating the legalization of abortion in 1971. (Pro)Life comes at you fast.
Hence the law school naming rights. As then-Louisiana College President Joe Aguillard said at the time:
“I have been asked over and over again, ‘Why a law school?’” the college’s president, Joe Aguillard, said at an Aug. 16 news conference at the Pineville campus.
And: “Why a Christian law school?”
While Aguillard quoted such founding fathers of the nation as George Washington, John Adams and John Jay to answer the question, U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R.-Quitman, La., underscored the need in practical terms.
Judiciary action is causing the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandants to be removed from many of the nation’s schools “and in their place we are putting metal detectors –- to keep our children from killing each other,” Alexander said.
“‘Are we in trouble?’ one might ask,” Alexander said. “I fear the answer is yes. Thank you, Dr. Aguillard, for recognizing the need….”
There’s more if you must