New From Bloomsbury Professional This Month

Forthcoming Titles March 2020

This bulletin covers recently published titles from January and February plus forthcoming titles publishing in March 2020



Bloomsbury Professional Law Insight – Cannabis Law and Regulation
Mark Taylor

This new title is a comprehensive analysis of the changing cannabis laws of more than 50 of the largest and most signi cant global markets, with insight from legal experts, political and government gures and public health o cials.

It covers the US, Canada, Uruguay and other emerging areas where recreational use

has been legalised, and the rapidly transforming European, African and Asian landscapes where a rush to become the top global medicinal cannabis hub is taking place. Recent court cases, rulings, directives, government initiatives, trials and, in some cases, total decriminalisation have created

a patchwork of global markets for participants to navigate and serve. This book draws all these elements together, creating an essential legal guide for criminal and medical law practitioners, consultants.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526513519 Extent: 216pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £55

Commercial Agency Agreements: Law and Practice, 5th edition
Susan Singleton

“This highly practical book has to be an essential part of every legal adviser’s and commercial agent’s legal literature.” German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce (review of a previous edition)

Examines the standard commercial agency agreement where an agent is self-employed and paid

a commission on sales he or she generates for the principal as it is those agents that fall within the Regulations. It addresses the drafting of such agreements as well as termination and compensation and includes examples of agency contracts and coverage of the majority of UK judgments.

The fth edition has been updated to include recent case law and legislation.

Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526511874 Extent: 472pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £165

Costs in Family Proceedings, 2nd edition
Francis Wilkinson and Sara Hunton

“This is a magisterial work”

Lord Wilson from the foreword to the rst edition

Provides a clear exposition of the three di erent regimes for family costs (fees, costs and xed costs) as well coverage of arbitration costs, public funding, wasted costs or any other costs issues that can arise in family proceedings.

It provides answers to questions that arise on a regular basis with helpful precedents. The early chapters address the limited scope for orders for costs between parties, while the later chapters give the work weight, breath and value through coverage of cost allowances, wasted costs, court fees, indemnity costs, enforcement of costs etc.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526512048 Extent: 448pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £85

Data Protection, Privacy Regulators and Supervisory Authorities
Paul Lambert

Data protection and privacy is arguably the most topical and developing area of law and policy. There is a raft of recent and proposed regulations, not least the GDPR (EU) and CCPA (California), and other jurisdictions internationally. This new title explores the rules, powers and contestability of ne and penalty powers of data

protection regulators
Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526514219

and supervisory authorities.

Extent: 416pp Pub date: Feb-20

Price: £165

The Law of Assisted Reproduction, 2nd edition Seamus Burns

“Seamus Burns has brought to bear his considerable experience in the eld to produce a book that is essential reading for both medico-legal practitioners and students alike” Medical Law International (review of the rst edition)

Examines the impact of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 and the

ongoing controversial issues that surround it from legal, ethical, moral, social and medical points of view.

The second edition includes:

– Chapters assessing developments in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland concerning liberalising the existing abortion laws;

– Ongoing ethical controversies relating to fertility treatment and embryonic research and use of embryos;

– Three Parent Children-Mitochondrial Donation;

– The Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation) Regulations 2015.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526508195 Extent: 864pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £125

Parker’s Will Precedents, 10th edition
Leon Pickering

“…as handy a reference tool as ever. Any will-drafters unfamiliar with Parker’s should be urged to give it a try.” Law Society Gazette (Review of 9th edition)

“…I rate this book highly. It is a refreshingly simple book, which one can just dip into with ease” The STEP Journal (review of a precious edition)

Recommended by the Institute of Professional Willwriters, this is a well-established and highly regarded publication, renowned for its clarity of drafting.

Provides private client solicitors and professional will writers with a thorough understanding and working knowledge of the will drafting process and, as a result, the ability to draft better wills.

It contains a comprehensive collection of precedents for use by anyone who needs to draft wills. There
are a variety of precedents for individual clauses as well as a set of complete wills catering for di erent scenarios. Notes and guidance on drafting and additional materials, including letters, support materials and extracts from relevant legislation are also included.

The tenth edition also includes:

– A chapter on Consumer Protection and related legislation with precedents

– Inclusion of expanded guidance on capacity – Index-linked legacies
– Precedent retainers and letters of wishes
– An expanded chapter on funeral wishes

Format: Hardback + digital download ISBN: 9781526509307 Extent: 472pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £170 + 10% VAT

Setting Up in Business as a Mediator, 2nd edition Stephen Walker

“Unique in being both really practical and truly inspirational, the book o ers hope and guidance to mediators at every stage of their career, whilst giving a good idea of the time, money and e ort involved if you are going to succeed.” The Law Society Gazette

Are you new to mediation and

wanting to start a business as a full-time mediator? Are you an experienced

mediator wanting to develop and grow an existing business? How will you stand out? This book is packed with essential information on how mediators can get started in business and grow their existing practice, all provided by someone who has done

it. Restructured and revised, the Second Edition includes:

– Changes to the mediation scene and mediation market over the last four years

– Explanation of the changes in marketing techniques and approaches since the rst edition

– Enhanced sections on: personal presentation; language; and self-projection, both on social media and in person

– Analysis of the continued development of ODR and its opportunities for both new and experienced mediators

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526511324 Extent: 408pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £85

Personal Injury Limitation Law, 4th edition
Andrew Roy and Nina Ross

Technology Transfer, 4th edition

Mark Anderson and Victor Warner

Covers the di erent areas of law that a ect technology agreements such as IP, contract law, competition law and tax, as well as the laws surrounding commercial transactions that involve the development, use of commercialisation of technology, and associate intellectual property rights. Types of transactions that fall within this category are

research and development contracts and intellectual property licences and these form the main focus of the book.


– Coverage of EU Horizon 2020 replacing Framework 7 funding scheme

– General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
– Updates in line with the Charities Act 2011
– Di erent types of standard agreements available

– Patent legislation: Unitary Patent and Uni ed Patents Court, the Intellectual Property Act 2014, Legislative Reform (Patents) Order 2014, Patents (Supplementary Protection Certi cates) Regulations) 2014

– The EU Trade Secrets Directive

– Regulations No 536/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC

– Research exception (new section 22A) from freedom of information from 1 October 2014 (Freedom of Information Act 2014)

– Technology Transfer Regulation, 316/2014 and related guidelines

Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526509062 Extent: 1128pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £250

The UK and EMEA Corporate Counsel Handbook
Walter Thomas and Robert Grimes

A rst port of call for corporate counsel and other legal advisers, charged with advising key business leaders on di cult and dusputed legal issues.

It presents the legal considerations implicit in the business functional areas common to commercial practice, such as sales, productions, marketing,

human resources, nance and accounting, and explores topics that are typically top of corporate counsel agenda. It also includes chapters on
the topics of Company Secretariat obligations, geopolitical legal considerations in EMEA and the emerging eld of Islamic commercial and legal interface with local law.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526509505 Extent: 384pp Pub date: Jan-20 £150

reference book.

Providing an exhaustive and systematic analysis of the law of limitation periods in personal injury claims, this is the only text that deals speci cally with this complex area of law. The book o ers the unique combination of key guidance and information, vital notes and summaries, plus all the relevant legislation and court rules in one single source

Contents: 1 Introduction and overview; 2 History
of policy (Limitation Acts 1623–1980); 3 The
primary limitation period (ss2, 5 and 11); 4 The claimant’s date of knowledge (s14); 5 Disability and concealment (ss28, 32); 6 Extension by agreement, waiver or estoppel; 7 Discretion to disapply limitation periods (s33); 8 Fatal cases (ss11, 12 and 13); 9 Amendments and new claims (s35); 10 Special time limits; 11 Service of proceedings; 12 Remedies for defective service; 13 Procedural matters.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526508607 Extent: 840pp Pub date: Jan-20 £120


Bloomsbury Professional Tax Insight – Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
Ben Symons

This bulletin provides a background to the development of bitcoin and the application of blockchain technology and then looks at the income tax, capital gains tax and IHT treatment of any crypto-currency. Worked examples and owcharts/ diagrams will be used where relevant to illustrate key concepts.

Crypto-currencies are increasingly being used globally and are more regulated in some territories. The bulletin will also deal with non-resident investors, and o shore crypto-currency funds and tax avoidance.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526512611 Extent: 96pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £40

Tax Advisers’ Guide to Trusts,

6th edition

Nigel Eastaway OBE, Jacqueline Kimber and Ian Richards

Demysti es the subject of tax and explains the tax rules and the way in which trusts can be used in practice as a exible and e ective means of wealth accumulation and protection. This book concentrates on the UK tax rules applicable to trusts, resident in the UK, or abroad, and the resultant tax liabilities of the trustees, settlors and bene ciaries, and

opportunities for reducing those liabilities where possible.

Updated to include signi cant legislative changes in administration, enforcement, reporting, capital gains tax, income tax, inheritance tax, and case law including: The Rangers Football Club Plc v Advocate General for Scotland [2017] UKSC 45, re EBTs and payments of earnings, particularly relevant to trustees of employee trusts; and Barclays Wealth Trustees (Jersey) Ltd & Anor v HMRC [2017] EWCA Civ 1512, re excluded property trust status and the treatment of inter-trust transfers.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526511799 Extent: 1368pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: £170

Bloomsbury Professional Tax Insight – Family Investment Companies
Deborah Clark

This title explores what makes a company a FIC, to consider how a company works and the potential ways to make them more bespoke, the di erent types of shares available, their features and when they may be appropriate.

It also covers the key tax issues for funding a FIC, winding one up, privacy, reporting and asset protection features. It includes

lots of examples based on real cases, and where relevant complex areas are illustrated by owcharts and/or diagrams.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526512574 Extent: 72pp Pub date: Dec-19 Price: £40


Internet Law

Michael O’Doherty

Contract Law for Students

Eoin Molloy

A clear and accessible textbook aimed at undergraduate law students as well as those attempting either set of professional exams: FE-1s for solicitors or Kings Inns entrance exams for barristers. This title o ers concise yet comprehensive insight into the law of contract and is ideally suited to students and researchers.

From Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company (1893) through to unfair terms in consumer contracts regulations, this textbook covers all aspects of contract law relevant to students – including a handy chapter on navigating the professional exams which contains practical guidance for students embarking on their journey towards becoming a barrister or solicitor.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526512291
Extent: 408pp Pub date: Mar-20 Price: €60 / £50

Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook 2019
Arthur Cox Employment Law Group

“This book ticks all the boxes for lawyers specialising in employment law or for HR professionals or trade-union o cials who need to reference the area.” (review of a previous edition) Law Society Gazette

This annual Irish publication contains selected case notes and materials relevant to employment law and includes the most prominent and

important cases and legislation pertaining to the previous 12 months.

Comprises of:

– Irish law: decisions of the superior courts, Labour Court, Equality Tribunal, Employment Appeals Tribunal and the Workplace Relations Commission etc;

– Irish legislation and statutory instruments;

– English law so far as relevant eg common law decisions;

– EU law: decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and relevant Directives/ Regulations;

– Other material such as Annual Reports of employment bodies.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526509703
Extent: 712pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: €99 / £76

The law in Ireland regarding causes of action involving the internet is a rapidly growing area of law and litigation. This book examines issues such as privacy, data protection, defamation, data protection, crime, intellectual property and employment, all through the prism of online behaviour.

This book examines key pieces

of legislation such as the E-Commerce Directive, GDPR, and Defamation Act

2009; forthcoming legislation such as the Digital Content Directive and proposed Irish legislation to combat harmful online content.

Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526508010 Extent: 1208pp Pub date: Mar-20 €225 / £173

Capital Tax Acts 2020

Michael Buckley

Now in its twenty-eighth edition, this indispensable guide to capital taxes provides the reader with annotated legislation in the areas of stamp duty, CAT and local property tax. All changes brought by the Finance Act 2019 are included, together with any other relevant legislation since the previous edition. All relevant

information issued by the Revenue Commissioners is also included.

Each section of the book takes the area of tax it deals with and runs through each Act and Statutory Instrument which is relevant to it, with notes which detail de nitions, amendments, cross-references, e-Brie ngs, Tax Brie ngs, former enactments and relevant case law.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526510310
Extent: 1664pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: €125 / £96

The Taxation of Companies 2020


Conveyancing Practice in Scotland, 8th edition
Euan Sinclair and Ann Stewart

Written by lawyers with many years of transactional and mentoring experience, Conveyancing Practice in Scotland is the only practical guide to managing conveyancing transactions in Scotland

Encompassing both commercial and residential conveyancing, this text covers the practical and

ethical considerations of acting in a conveyancing transaction, such as anti-money laundering procedures and con icts of interest. Standard missive clauses are examined in detail with reference to their application in practice.

It takes account of the latest developments following the the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 including changes to applications and the e ect
of the introduction of the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax on the residential property market.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526509468 Extent: 888pp Pub date: Jan-20 £95

Employment Law in Scotland, 3rd edition
Sam Middlemiss and Margaret Downie

Each area of employment is considered in depth and includes references to relevant primary and secondary research materials in the UK and further a eld.

The di erences between Scottish employment law and the rest of the UK
are considered including di erences in contract law; third party rights; holiday

entitlements; claims in breach of contract; the Employment Appeals Tribunal process and Civil Court procedure.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526509628 Extent: 896pp Pub date: Jan-20 £85

Tom Maguire

This key book provides the most comprehensive analysis and commentary available on the taxation of companies in Ireland.

This edition is updated to the Finance Act 2019 and features detailed worked examples and extensive references to case law throughout the work. The guidance and advice outlines how to successfully apply the

new tax reliefs, keeping your clients’ tax liabilities as low as possible.

Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526509772
Extent: 2624pp Pub date: Feb-20 Price: €225 / £173

For further information, and to place orders, please contact customer services: Email:
Tel: +44 (0)1444 416119 Fax: +44 (0)1444 440426

Post: Customer Services Dept., Bloomsbury Professional, 41-43 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1BJ


Titles from Bloomsbury Professional

s an area of law that
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ociation with ILPA, this title provides a clear and
explanation to the provisions of this legislation, with relevant lowing each section of the Act. Those litigating will be able to ant sources and materials rapidly.
ach provision of the Act and sets them within both their
al context, providing full legal references as well as identifying ce, supporting materials and statements from parliamentary des practitioners and academics and political commentators ensive guide to the Act, with detailed comments on the legal eaved with each section of the Act.
5 Pub date: Feb-17 Format: Paperback Pages: c350pp Price: £50

ion: International Family and Immigration Laws

onin and Jemma Dally

title provides rigorous academic analysis and practical
aling with the family, immigration and nationality laws children are moved into and out of the UK. Its practical focus tail, case authority, international guidance and practical
the case contexts in which these issues arise.
g for lawyers dealing with stranded, separated,
d, adopted, surrogate-born, abducted and migrant or refugee des relevant family and immigration law options and dentifying the legal issues and problems embedded in such



A Guide to T

Alison Harvey

Produced in ass straightforward commentary fol identify all relev It summarises e political and leg relevant guidan debates. It provi with a compreh provisions interl ISBN: 978178451928

Child Migrat

Dr Kathryn Cr

This brand new guidance on de engaged when provides the de experience with Essential readin unaccompanie children; it provi implications by i cases.

ISBN: 978152650220

00-IANL 32_1-cover.indd 1-3

Volume 23 Number 1 2018 Pages 1-54

EDITORIAL IN BRIEF ARTICLES Sharenting: balancing the con icting rights of parents and children Claire Bessant Are children more than ‘clickbait’ in the 21st century? Baroness Beeban Kidron Interpreting the child-related provisions of the GDPR Lisa Atkinson The importance of privacy by design and data protection impact assessments in strengthening protection of children’s personal data under the GDPR Simone van der Hof and Eva Lievens The transparency challenge: making children aware of their data protection rights and the risks online Anna Morgan CASE NOTES & COMMENTS RECENT DEVELOPMENTS

Communications Law

The Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law

Volume 32

Number 1 2018 Pages 1–94

EDITORIAL NEWS ARTICLES The Implications of Brexit for British Citizens in Ireland Navigating the Irish Immigration System Patricia Brazil and Catherine Cosgrave Human Trafficking as a Gendered Phenomenon: CEDAW in Perspective Gemma Ferna?ndez Rodri?guez de Lie?vana and Keina Yoshida CASE NOTES AND COMMENTS BOOK REVIEWS INDEX TO VOLUME 31 ILPA

Journal of Immigration, Asylum & Nationality Law

he Immigration Act 2016

Volume 34 Number 1 2018 Pages 1–56


Innovative therapy and the law: the novel issues raised by the case of Charlie Gard Jo Bridgeman Lawyers’ professional ethics: where are the ethics? Barbara Mescher CASE COMMENTARIES Armes v Nottinghamshire County Council BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd v Konczak Various Claimants v Barclays Bank Plc BOOK REVIEWS

Journal of Professional Negligence

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EWHC 2318 (QB) rts Act 2015

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Jan 2018

14726459 Print journal + online
2 times a month Subscription price: £420 (contact for online price)
Latest issue: Vol 1 Pt 5 Mar-20


09622624 Print journal
Quarterly Subscription price: £396 Latest issue: 33.4 Feb-20

01/02/2018 12:23


17467616 Print journal
Quarterly Subscription price: £495 Latest issue: 25.1 Feb-20


01/02/2018 08:16



17467632 Print journal
Quarterly Subscription price: £355 Latest issue: 34.1 Feb-20

01/02/2018 11:45



17466709 Print journal
Quarterly Subscription price: £440 Latest issue: 36.1 Feb-20

9 Pub date: July-18 Format: Hardback

Pages: c950pp Price: £110


ISSN 1746-7632 01

771746 763047

For more information please visit or contact for sample issues.

Journal of Immigration, Asylum & Nationality Law Volume 32 Number 1 2018

Communications Law Volume 23 Number 1 2018 Journal of Professional Negligence Volume 34 Number 1 2018




Pay As You Go 9781845928391 Mainwork price: £620
Latest issue: Issue 59 9781526510198 £300 Jan-20




Pay In Advance 9781526504494 Annual subscription: £630
Latest issue: Issue 39 9781526510792 Pay in advance subscription




Pay As You Go 9781845928490 Mainwork price: £1172 / €1395 + VAT Latest issue: Issue 82 9781526510648 £305 / €360 Feb-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928674 Mainwork price: £545
Latest issue: Issue 40 9781526510242 £225 Dec-19


Pay As You Go 9781845928452 Mainwork price: £470
Latest issue: Issue 60 9781526511539 £250 Feb-20




Pay As You Go 9781845928377 Mainwork price: £622 / €740
Latest issue: Issue 27 9781526510679 £320 / €362 Mar-20



Pay As You Go 9781845921026 Mainwork price: £690
Latest issue: Issue 61 9781526510488 £315 Feb-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928667 Mainwork price: £325
Latest issue: Issue 53 9781526510525 £300 Feb-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928421 Mainwork price: £480
Latest issue: Issue 64 9781526510600 £285 Jan-20


Pay As You Go 9781845928438 Mainwork price: £530
Latest issue: Issue 35 9781526510778 £400 Dec-19




Pay In Advance 9781526511546 Annual subscription: £730
Latest issue: Issue 85 9781526510228 Pay in advance subscription




Pay As You Go 9781845928360 Mainwork price: £1126 / €1340
Latest issue: Issue 58 9781526510709 £335 / €395 Feb-20

Pay As You Go 9781845928537

Mainwork price: £750

Latest issue: Issue 46 9781526513069 £400 Jan-20


Pay As You Go 9781845928650 Mainwork price: £555
Latest issue: Issue 61 9781526510945 £325 Jan-20



Pay As You Go 9780953415281 Mainwork price: £350
Latest issue: Issue 27 9781526510853 £155 Feb-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928346 Mainwork price: £500
Latest issue: Issue 67 9781526504685 £358 Nov-19



Pay As You Go 9781845928322 Mainwork price: £500
Latest issue: Issue 37 9781526511058 £285 Jan-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928353 Mainwork price: £580
Latest issue: Issue 70 9781526510891 £400 Feb-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928544 Mainwork price: £550
Latest issue: Issue 53 9781526510983 £300 Jan-20


Pay As You Go 9781845928339 Mainwork price: £435
Latest issue: Issue 69 9781526511027 £315 Feb-20



Pay As You Go 9781845928315 Mainwork price: £600
Latest issue: Issue 82 9781526511119 £315 Feb-20

For more information please visit or contact for sample issues.