New Florida Law Makes Blasting Music in Car A Punishable Offense

The new law allows officers to ticket those playing music audible from a minimum 25-foot distance.

For reference, the average car is about 15 feet long, making it within the statute for an officer to ticket the driver in front of them if their music is audible.



These regulations become even stricter within close proximity of churches, schools and hospitals.

To many, this law produces positive change for the comfort, safety and well-being of Floridians.

When South Florida local Tamara Armstrong lived in Fort Lauderdale, she said she complained several times about unlawful behavior of drivers, loud exhaust and music noise, and illegal gangs with ATVs threatening the safety of pedestrians and the “sanity of residents.”

“We eventually moved because I was woken up at all times of the night,” Armstrong said. “So I am super happy to see that something is now being done.”