New Blog Online: ChinaBizGov

We received an email yesterday telling us about the publication of a new blog..

Authored by Gregg Anderson who descibes himself as a China specialist and is a former CFO, and PhD Candidate in Political Science at UCLA.


He writes:

I have recently launched a new blog, ChinaBizGov <> , in which I discuss issues related to my research: China’s SOEs, corporate governance, automobile industry, etc.  (Blog entries are in reverse chronological order.)

Though my research will, of necessity, be narrowly targeted, I hope to keep the blog at a somewhat less "micro" level.  In the course of my research, I continue to come across too many interesting stories that deserve to be highlighted, and this blog seems to be a good way to do that.

Feel free to subscribe through RSS if you think you may be interested.  I welcome your comments.


He has recently blogged on the following topics

  • Privatization of Central SASAC Assets
  • Preliminary 2008 Results for Central SOEs
  • Results of SASAC Recruitment Drive