Music Now Is A Tik Tok Robot Rapper With 9 Million Followers

Of course Gorillaz were ahead of the game with this – now we are working down the line to the usual lowest common denominator … how this is different from the Archies we’re not really sure.

Everything new is old..

Is being human still a prerequisite for being an ‘artist’?

We don’t mean the ability to display humanity. We quite literally mean: does an artist really need to be a human to be considered an actual artist, who can perform and record music, generate streams, market singles and albums, and build a fanbase?

The answer to that question, according to Anthony Martini, co-founder of ‘virtual’ record label Factory New, is no.

Factory New describes itself as a “first of its kind, next-generation music company, specializing in virtual beings”. Its roster is comprised exclusively of virtual artists.

The firm’s first ‘signing’ was AI-powered robot rapper, FN Meka, who has 9 million followers (and over a billion views) on TikTok.

echnically speaking FN Meka is voiced by a human. But as you’ll learn here, everything else about him – from his lyrics to the chords and tempo underpinning his music – is based on AI.

And Factory New believes its tech may soon be able to do away with the requirement for a Homo Sapien performer altogether.

“Not to get all philosophical,” Martini tells MBW, “but what is an ‘artist’ today? Think about the biggest stars in the world. How many of them are just vessels for commercial endeavors?”


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