Mumbai Lawyer Says He Will Take On Terror Suspect

This story reported by ABC News (America) gives one faith in the dedication of some of those in the legal profession..

While most lawyers are worrying about end of year bonuses ( the lack of) we see that Mumbai-based lawyer Kaikhushru Lam  has said  that he had submitted paperwork on Monday to represent alleged Pakistani terrorist Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab.


The report goes on to say

Lam said he was inspired to volunteer when he read in Indian newspapers that no one would represent Kasab. He said his friends have warned him against taking the case, fearing that harm will come to him and his family.

"’You have a 97-year-old mother, don’t be selfish, think of her life,’" Lam said his friends implored him. But, he told ABC News, "We can’t be affected. We’ve got to do what we think is right, and justice will see us through."

So far, he said, he has not received any threats.