More Tweeting Lawyers

A year ago it was endless blog posts about – lawyers on facebook. Should, If & Why they should be there…now we’re beginning to see…

The same for lawyers and twittering or is that tweeting – we never really know here at HOB.

In our humble opinion all know how humble we are!

Twitter is the better tool for lawyers, law firms, legal content & tech suppliers, the courts and so on and so forth. It’s a perfect way to see updates and be led to where you want, once you see the link or information that you need to access.

Already, of course, there is too much information and we’ll all have to start prioritising and creating suitable feeds and filters.

The following blog post to be found at Linked In Lawyer starts this investigation of, who is doing what, why they think they are doing it and why they think it’ll help their business / practice and provides information and advice for people trying to organise their legal tweets.

Here’s the title and introduction

Lawyers Exploring Twitter Communities

A large online legal network is a useful tool when taking the social media pulse of lawyers nationwide, and there seems to be a current buzz around lawyers making sense of the various Twitter communities online, and how to use them effectively.

This buzz first bubbled up to me when Robin Kobayashi of the Lexis Nexis Workers Compensation blog asked if I had written anything or had an opinion about Tweetlaw.

Smelling the potential interest in a larger blog post not only on Tweetlaw, but Tweetlaw and other Twitter communities for lawyers, I used Twitter to solicit a little feedback –

@barrettdavid Working on a review of Twitter lawyer communities for The LinkedIn Lawyer blog – might you @me a Tweet about your faves?

The response was tepid, like swimmers testing the water with their toes in the springtime … not sure if it is warm enough to dive in and start swimming.


Social media group organizers need to anticipate that folks are not going to just join because you created a group (i.e. “if you build it they will come” doesn’t work), and getting over the considerable barriers of limited time and varying degrees of techy skills requires you to make the sign up process quick, easy and low-tech.

What is the point of Twibes and other legal communities on Twitter @CynthiaRRowland????