Mondaq Update Comparative Law Guides

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We have recently updated the below Comparative Guides with new chapters and as you are a reader of relevant content, we thought you may wish to take a look. We have also introduced a new PDF download feature enabling you to quickly and easily download and save any chapters that interest you!

Mondaq Comparative Guides provide an overview of some of the key points of law and practice, allowing you to compare regulatory environments and laws across multiple jurisdictions.

International Arbitration
Total Chapters Available: 42New Chapters for the 2nd Edition 

  • Australia: Herbert Smith Freehills
  • Brazil: Fonseca E Salles Lima
  • BVI: Harneys
  • Cayman Islands: McGrath Tonner
  • China: Arnold Porter
  • Cyprus: Y. Karamanolis & Associates LLC
  • Indonesia: Assegaf Hamzah & Partners
  • Ireland: Eversheds Sutherland
  • Netherlands: NautaDutilh
  • Pakistan: S.U.Khan Associates Corporate & Legal Consultants
  • Russia: Ivanyan & Partners
  • Saint Kitts & Nevis: The Arbitrator: Conflict Resolution Centre
  • Senegal: FALL Partners
  • Turkey: Lexist
  • UAE: Horizons & Co Law Firm
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Contributing Editor
Craig Tevendale
Herbert Smith Freehills
Total Chapters Available: 24New Chapters for the 2nd Edition

  • Argentina: G Breuer
  • Brazil: Venturini IP
  • Chile: Silva
  • Germany: Jostarndt Patentwalts AG
  • Italy: INTERPATENT Srl
  • Japan: Shiga International
  • Philippines: De Leon IP Law Firm
  • Romania: Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen SCA
  • Thailand: Ananda Intellectual Property
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Contributing Editor
Anthony Del Monaco
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Total Chapters Available: 25New Chapters for the 2nd Edition

  • Brazil: Hallem Advogados
  • Bulgaria: Dr. Emil Benatov & Partners
  • China: Chofn Intellectual Property
  • Israel: JMB Davis Ben David
  • Italy: INTERPATENT Srl
  • Phillippenes: De Leon
  • Thailand: Ananda Intellectual Property
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Contributing Editor
John Crittenden
Cooley LLP
Corporate Tax
Total Chapters Available: 20
New Chapters for the 2nd Edition

  • Finland: Fiscales
  • India: Aureas
  • Mauritius: Atax
  • Sweden: Grant Thornton Sweden
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Contributing Editor
James Anderson
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLP
Labour & Employment
Total Chapters Available: 28New Chapters for the 2nd Edition

  • Australia: Vincent Young
  • Belgium: Bird & Bird
  • Croatia: Macesic & Partners
  • Japan: Iwata Godo
  • Luxembourg: Bonn Steichen & Partners
  • Netherlands: ACG International
  • Philippines: Villaraza & Angangco (V&A Law)
  • Poland: MJH Legal
  • Slovenia: Safarin Partnerji
  • South Africa: ENSafrica
  • Thailand: Pisut & Partners
  • Ukraine: Arzinger
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Contributing Editor
Darren Gardner
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
David S. Baffa
Seyfarth Shaw LLP