Mitchell Hamline marks 50 years of clinical education

Mitchell Hamline celebrated 50 years of clinical education with an event on Friday, May 5.

The anniversary dates to 1973, when the William Mitchell Law Clinic debuted with four offerings, in criminal law, civil practice, welfare law and criminal appeals. It was one of the first clinics to open at any law school in the nation. Hamline University School of Law opened its first clinics a few years later; the schools merged in 2015 to become Mitchell Hamline School of Law. Mitchell Hamline currently offers 17 clinics, listed here.

Clinic students work with real world clients on any number of legal issues. They’ve reviewed cases for a unit looking into possible wrongful convictions in Minnesota; filed patent or trademark applications for clients; helped expunge criminal records and even win pardons; drafted contracts for nonprofit organizations and form business entities for new enterprises; helped tribal governments draft statues; represented people in mediation and at hearings and trials, including those seeking legal status in the United States; and argued cases before courts.

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Mitchell Hamline marks 50 years of clinical education