Mississippi State Law Library Celebrates 200 Years .. Joins In With State Literary Festival

Quite an amazing feat if you think about it.. let’s hope it sees another 200.


As long as the mysterious forces at play around the US don’t try and trash its print collection or close it down under the aegis of budget cuts.

The Northside Sun reports

The Mississippi State Law Library is coming up on its 200-year anniversary this January. To celebrate a little early, State Librarian Stephen Parks has organized an event in conjunction with the Mississippi Book Festival (August 19). On Friday, August 18, the librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden, will meet with the justices and judges of the state court, as well as law librarians from throughout the state.

Parks is a North Carolina native. He earned his political science degree at East Carolina University before attending law school at Mississippi College in 2010. Afterward, he earned his master’s in library and information science at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Sun Staff Writer Megan Phillips spoke with Parks about the history of the State Law Library.

Read the interview at  http://www.northsidesun.com/front-page-slideshow-features/stephen-parks-state-law-library#sthash.8kWUKJHp.dpbs