Mexico’s COVID-19 Traffic Light Monitoring System

The pandemic appears for the time being to be held in check in Mexico, as the majority of the adult population has been fully vaccinated. Social and business activities are open without restriction in 28 of the nation’s 32 states, according to the federal government’s pandemic monitoring system.

Only Aguascalientes and the northern states of Baja CaliforniaChihuahua, and Sonora are in yellow status under the four-tiered COVID-19 traffic light monitoring system, which is updated every other week to reflect changes in infection and hospitalization rates, among other factors. Durango, the only other state in yellow status in the report for December 13–26, 2021, was upgraded to green status, meaning that pandemic–related social and business restrictions have been lifted. Residents in states designated in yellow status are urged to take preventative measures to ensure individuals at high risk of contracting COVID-19 (e.g., individuals with comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, or obesity) are not infected.

This chart presents the traffic light status of each state, and, as applicable, variations between federal and local traffic light statuses based on publications of the federal Ministry of Health and status reports provided by each state. Below is a map for the period of December 27, 2021, through January 9, 2022, indicating the COVID-19 risk level in each of the states and the capital.


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