Mexican gaming association calls for revision of Federal Gaming Law, regulation of online sector

The Association of Permit Holders, Operators, and Suppliers of the Entertainment and 
Gambling Industry in Mexico (AIEJA) informed that it has requested the government to move forward in the updating of the Federal Law of Sweepstakes and Gaming, due to the presence of more than 100 companies that operate without control at a national level.

The entity points out that the current legislation, published in 1947, has not been reformulated in 76 years, so it is not updated for the current environment of the industry. The current growth of the Mexican casino industry merits a new law that adapts to the contemporary context, with clearer and more forceful regulations, they added.

Furthermore, they report that compulsive gambling affects 1.3% of gamblers and that informality represents a problem as it does not comply with standards that guarantee a safe environment for gamblers and operators.