Men Decide This Is The Week To Talk About Women & Law Firm Culture

Ok we are being a bit cruel to some of the authors but this past week it does feel like it’s been decided that now there’s nothing much to talk about during the summer vacation let’s talk about…..oh yes…. women.

Not that we’re cynical, but it is amazing that so many articles appear around the same time various “publishers” are trying to attract women lawyers to participate in their legal awards.

Here’s some of the pieces we’ve come across this week

We would recommend Jordan Furlong’s piece published via his blog Law21

Law firms’ problem with women

I suppose this is a worthwhile read from Above The Law but just the fact that it’s titled thus is more than somewhat depressing . Might as well have a piece entitled the 50 Best Law Firms for Golden Retrievers, the implication that women should have to search out female friendly law firms almost a fifth of the way into the 21st century is , well, depressing.

The 50 Best Law Firms For Women (2017)


Meanwhile over at Foley it’s five years in a row as a top 50 law firms for women,

Foley Named a Best Law Firm for Women by Working Mother Magazine

25 July 2017 

Foley has been recognized as a ‘best law firm for women’ for the fifth consecutive year by Working Mother magazine.

The annual Working Mother “Best Law Firms for Women” ranking highlights the top law firms that define and implement best practices in retaining and promoting women lawyers. Firms are measured by female representation in the workforce; time-off and leaves; child care; flexibility; leadership, compensation and advancement of women; and development and retention of women.

Foley offers an array of career programs and initiatives, along with family-oriented benefits and policies, to support the retention and advancement of working women and parent attorneys. For example, the firm’s Working Parent Coach Program pairs an attorney coach who is also a working parent with new parents to provide personal support and information about planning for – and transitioning back from – parental leave. In addition, Foley has business and leadership development offerings for women attorneys, including a management development series.

All firms named to the Working Mother “2017 Best Law Firms for Women” ranking will be honored at an awards luncheon on October 4, 2017 at The Peninsula Chicago.

Cooley are even more pleased with themselves, for them it’s 6 years in a row

Working Mother Names Cooley a Six?Time Best Law Firm for Women

Palo Alto – July 25, 2017 – For the sixth consecutive year, Working Mother magazine has named Cooley one of its 50 Best Law Firms for Women. The annual accolade recognizes law firms using the “best practices in retaining and promoting women lawyers.”

“It’s heartening to be recognized by Working Mother six years running,” said Shira Nadich Levin, partner and co-chair of Cooley’s Women’s Initiative alongside partner Kay Chandler. “Cooley has long been dedicated to elevating women lawyers, and we hope the strength and momentum of our program serves as an inspiration.”

At this point we could roll out  lots of self congratulatory press releases from pleased as punch law firms that they have done something people will like them for.. but instead link on the image to see if your firm features