Melbourne lockdown extension prompts further changes to Victorian courts

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria has confirmed new changes for Victoria’s court system following the state’s capital seeing extended circuit breaker restrictions.

Last week acting Premier James Merlino confirmed that current restrictions will remain in place in metropolitan Melbourne for a further seven days until Thursday, 10 June.

As previously identified, the only permitted reasons to leave home are to shop for necessary goods and services within 10 kilometres of the home; caregiving or compassionate reasons; authorised work or permitted education, or work interstate; exercise; and/or, to get vaccinated.

The acting Premier confirmed that from 11:59 pm on Thursday, 3 June 2021, the previous restrictions imposed on the remainder of Victoria would be lifted but all citizens are urged to adopt COVID-safe measures.

Following the announcement, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and Chair of Courts Council, Anne Ferguson, issued a fresh statement on behalf of the Victorian courts and VCAT.

“Further to the message from Thursday, 27 May, 2021, the Victorian courts and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) will continue under their current arrangements in Melbourne for the next seven days following the extension of Circuit Breaker Restrictions,” the Chief Justice said.

“Remote hearings will continue, with in-person hearings proceeding where it is not practicable to proceed remotely. The commencement of new jury trials in Melbourne will remain suspended during this period. Every effort will be made to re-list any vacated trials as soon as possible.”

Chief Justice Ferguson noted that changes to regional courts will be implemented following restrictions being lifted.

“Magistrate Court venues in regional Victoria will continue to hear matters as listed via the Online Magistrates’ Court or, where appropriate, in-person. The Children’s Court will also operate via remote and some in-person hearings in the regions,” she said.