The state Supreme Court disbarred a Miami lawyer after a scathing 123-page referee’s report that accused the attorney of misappropriating client funds and, possibly, money laundering to cover theft. The disbarment of Roberto Masud aka Robert Masud showed up on the Dec. 31 Florida Bar discipline report, but happened on Nov. 27 and makes permanent the emergency suspension Masud’s been under for the misappropriation since 2022. In reciprocal acts, Massachusetts put Masud under temporary suspension last March and started further disciplinary proceedings on Dec. 5. In February 2023, Masud admitted to misappropriating $864,000 and agreed to a three-year suspension in a settlement agreement accepted by Second Circuit Judge Tiffany Baker-Carper. But, what Baker-Carper accepted, the state Supreme Court rejected and kicked back to Baker-Carper for another disciplinary hearing. In her amended referee’s report, Baker-Carper said she “finds [Masud] knowingly and intentionally deceived (Associated Pharmacies Inc.) and Dana Zanville by serving as their escrow agent and intentionally failed to sign the escrow agreements in order to create plausible deniability, with the intent to benefit himself, (Cain) McKnight, and (James) Pomeroy in their collective international financing venture.” Moving Money In March 2020, with COVID-19 spreading across the globe, API wanted to buy Duseberg medical gloves. Needing a registered agent, API chose Zanville, owner of Corporate Splash, and made her the importer of record. Zanville combined three orders from her company with API’s order into one order to have an order large enough to trigger production.
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