McCurry Wins The Day In Malaysia

After reporting our Lexis Nexis vs Lex Nexus story earlier in the week when the US multinational managed to win their trademark case against a small Mumbai based law firm ( not even a legal publisher) . We are glad to…

Announce that in Malaysia the courts haven’t let a small curry house be beaten up by the mighty McDonalds.

AFP report from Kuala Lumpur…..

Korma blimey! McCurry beats McDonald’s in court

Call it the letter of the law. After an almost eight-year legal battle, a Malaysian court has ruled that a local curry house did not infringe on the McDonald’s trademark by using the prefix "Mc".
The US fast-food giant argued that McCurry — a local eatery whose menu features delights such as murukku and fish head curry — had illegally made use of its trademark.
Overturning a 2006 decision, a Malaysian appeals court disagreed.
"No way we infringed McDonald’s trademark," said jubilant McCurry owner Kanages Suppiah after the ruling. "We have nothing synonymous with them."
McCurry’s lawyer Sri Dev Nair said there was no question of customers confusing the two companies.
"The type of food we serve and the age group of customers that come to McCurry are different," he said.

Congratulations to McCurry and next time we are in KL we’ll be celebrating with a Mc Fish Head Curry  – it’s got to be better than those insipid and soggy sloppy so called fish burgers.