Manchester JMW Solicitors’ Manchester lawyer’s email accidently cc’d into all staff calls Palestine protestors idiots

One muppet with a megaphone the irony being you couldn’t even tell what he was saying!”

Ooops !

A law firm which called the police on pro-Palestine demonstrators has distanced itself from an email calling them “idiots” which was accidentally sent to the whole office.

Activists appeared in the lobby of JMW Solicitors’ Manchester office as part of a city-wide demonstration understood to have been organised against Barclays Bank, which shares premises at 3 Hardman Street with a number of other businesses including the firm.

Groups such as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign have called for a boycott of Barclays because it “provides more than £3 billion in loans and underwriting to companies whose weapons, components, and military technology have been used in Israel’s armed violence against Palestinians”.

Although no damage was reported, the protest on 26 January was sufficiently disruptive that JMW called the authorities.

A spokesperson for the Greater Manchester Police told ROF that “officers attended reports of a protest at a premises on Hardman Street” at just before 9am, but when they arrived they “discovered that the group had left and moved on”.

“Community tensions are high”, said Rebecca Young, the head of JMW’s media law team, but they were raised even higher at JMW when one of its staff accidentally sent an unsympathetic email about the protestors to the entire office.

The fat-fingered lawyer, whom ROF is not naming, slipped up when an employee working from home asked what was causing the commotion.

“A load of Palestine idiots in the foyer!” replied the lawyer. “One muppet with a megaphone the irony being you couldn’t even tell what he was saying!”