Looking At Our Google Alerts It Looks Like TR About To Unleash Some AI Products!

Every day they appear to publishing a new article on AI.. not saying they are obvious ( well .. they are)

It means; this is, as the they say the Buttering up period and then come the new products and the price hikes too.


Latest blurb includes

How AI is transforming the legal profession | Legal Blog

From automating mundane tasks to generating novel solutions, these technologies are empowering legal professionals across various industries and …

AI for legal documents: The key to your firm’s competitive edge

Blog · Featured insights. Popular topics. Artificial intelligence · Big data … And the opportunities for legal departments and law firms are enormous
The Future of Professionals: How AI is the catalyst for reshaping every aspect of legal work

Blog · Featured insights. Popular topics. Artificial intelligence · Big data … It is through this lens that we view the potential of AI for legal work …