London’s Ely Place Chambers To Close After 20 Years

They write in their press release…”After almost 20 years in existence, Ely Place Chambers, which specialises in Business, Property, Employment, Media and Public law has decided not to continue in its present form from 31 July 2020.

We are all deeply saddened by this decision, though we believe it is the right one under the circumstances. The interests of the clients we serve remain paramount and we are all committed to a smooth and orderly transition. We are grateful to all those who have instructed and supported us over the last twenty years and look forward to those relationships continuing with members in their new chambers.

We are especially grateful to our loyal staff, the majority of whom have been with us almost since our foundation, and who have served us with distinction. We will work to assist them in dealing with these events.

For the next four months Ely Place will continue to provide its full range of legal services to the extent possible under present public health restrictions, with members of Chambers accepting instructions and the clerks being available via telephone and email.  Conferences and hearings via telephone and video will be scheduled as normal.

From 1 August 2020 some members of Ely Place Chambers will be moving to other established Chambers. Other members are investigating creating a new virtual Chambers that will aim to build on the heritage of Ely Place and to involve some of its existing staff. Details of the Chambers to which members move and of any new virtual Chambers will appear on the Ely Place Chambers website in due course.

For further information about the changes being made please contact