The Law Gazette write…..
he largest congregation of lawyers in the calendar, the London Legal Walk, is the latest casualty of the Covid-19 pandemic, its organiser the London Legal Support Trust revealed today. It had been scheduled for Monday 8 June but will now take place on 5 October.
In a message to the Gazette, the trust said: ‘We have sadly had to make the difficult decision to postpone the London Legal Walk until the autumn. Given the current Covid-19 situation and restrictions around mass gatherings, it would not be possible to go ahead in June.’
In last year’s event, some 15,000 people from across the profession walked or ran two 10k routes around London landmarks, raising £890,000 to support free legal advice in London and the southeast.
Nezahat Cihan, chief executive of the London Legal Support Trust said; ‘It has been a difficult decision to postpone the 16th London Legal Walk, but based on the available advice this is the best option. We are grateful for the ongoing support and understanding of our sponsors and participants at this difficult time.
‘The need for our funding was already growing. This is now compounded as we are expecting an increase in emergencyfFunding applications from advice agencies as they deal with the impact of the current Covid-19 situation. The fundraising from the Walk will be more critical than ever.
‘It will be wonderful to see teams from the judiciary, firms, chambers, and beyond walk with us on October 5th.’