London: Grays Inn Library Have A Large List Of Books They Want To Give Away

You’ll have to go and pick up what you want though…

The following titles are being withdrawn from Gray’s Inn Library, please contact me off list if you are interested in rehoming any of the titles, they are free but would need to be collected from the Library.

Many thanks!

Kind regards,

ARGYLL, George Douglas Campbell, Duke of The reign of law
AYE, John Humour among the lawyers
BAKER, Henry E. The legal system of Israel
BAKER, Sir George Sherston The office of Vice-Admiral of the Coast
BARTLE, Ronald Bow Street beak
BELL, Edward A. These meddlesome attorneys
BENTHAM, Jeremy A fragment on government / by Jeremy Bentham; edited with an introduction by F. C. Montague
BENTHAM, Jeremy Theory of legislation / by Jeremy Bentham ; translated from the french of Etienne Dumont by R. Hildreth
BIRKENHEAD, Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of The world in 2030
BIRRELL, Augustine Collected essays
BUCKLEY, Charles Burton An anecdotal history of old times in Singapore …
BURT, Cyril The young delinquent
CECIL, Henry Friends at court
CECIL, Henry Truth with her boots on
CHANDLER, George, Liverpool / George Chandler ; sponsored by Liverpool City Council to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Liverpool’s first charter
CHURCH OF ENGLAND Book of common prayer with the additions and deviations proposed in 1928
COCKBURN, Henry Cockburn, Lord Circuit journeys / by the late Lord Cockburn
COMYN, Sir James Leave to appeal : further legal memoirs
COMYN, Sir James Poetic justice / by J. P. C. ; illustrated by Leslie Starke
COMYNS, J. P. Vacation business / by J. P. C. [i.e. J. P. Comyns]
COOKE OF THORNDON, Robin Cooke, Baron Portrait of a profession : the centennial book of the New Zealand Law Society / edited by Robin Cooke
CORDER, R. E. Tales told to the magistrate
CROOM-JOHNSON, R. P. The origin of Stowe School
DARLING, Charles John Darling, Baron Scintillae juris and meditiations in the tearoom
DENNING, Alfred Thompson Denning, Baron The discipline of law
DICKINSON, G. Lownes Justice and liberty : a political dialogue
DUNN, H. A. Colmore Fencing
Herbert Edmund Edmund-Davies, Baron The Findlay memorial lecture: delivered at the Cardiff High School for Boys on Friday, 3th March, 97, by the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Edmund Davies ; Chairman: Mr. Hector Thomas
FERNANDO, Tyronne Alien winds across paradise : a new look at Sri Lanka’s foreign relations through the ages
FITTER, R. S. R. London’s natural history / by R.S.R. Fitter; editors James Fisher … [et al.]
FOOTE, John Alderson Pie-powder : being dust from the law courts / by a circuit tramp [i.e. John Alderson Foote]
FOUNTAIN, Richard The wit of the wig / compiled by Richard Fountain
FRANKFURTER, Felix The public and its government
GEST, John Marshall The lawyer in literature
GEOGRAPHERS Master Atlas of Greater London
GODKIN, Lawrence Problems of modern democracy
GOTTSCHALK, R. The devil knoweth not
GRANT, Brian Conciliation and Divorce : a father’s letters to his daughter
GRANT, James, 1820-1879 Random recollections of the House of Lords
GRANT, James, 1820-1879 Random recollections of the House of Commons
GROSE-HODGE, Humfrey Roman panorama : a background for today
GUEDALLA, Philip Gladstone and Palmerston : being the correspondence of Lord Palmerston with Mr. Gladstone 1851-1865 / edited with an introduction and commentary by Philip Guedalla
GUNTHER, John Behind the curtain
GUYNN, Norman Harold Mouse and other collected poems 1941-1964
HARE, Cyril Tragedy at law
HARVEY, Cyril Pearce The advocate’s devil
HARWOOD, Anthony Circuit ghosts : western circuit miscellany
HAYNES, Edmund Sidney Pollock More from a lawyer’s notebook / by the author of “A lawyer’s notebook” [i.e. Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes]
HAYNES, Edmund Sidney Pollock Life law & letters
HAYNES, Edmund Sidney Pollock A lawyer’s notebook / by anonymous [i.e. Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes]
HENRIQUES, Basil L.Q. The indiscretions of a magistrate : thoughts on the work of the juvenile court
HERBERT, A. P. The point of Parliament
HERBERT, A. P. Uncommon law : being sixty-six misleading cases revised and collected in one volume, including ten cases not published before
HILBERY, Sir Malcolm Duty and art in advocacy
HUDSON, Helen Cumberland lodge : a house through history
HUXLEY, Aldous Stories, essays and poems
JOHNSON, Robert Leland A good gene pool of the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Maryland
JONES, Rodney R. Supreme folly / by Rodney R. Jones and Gerald F. Uelman
JONES, Rodney R. Disorderly conduct : verbatim excerpts from actual cases / Rodney R. Jones, Charles M. Sevilla, GErald F. Uelmen
KEETON, George W. Jeremy Bentham and the law : a symposium / by George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenburger
KONEFSKY, Samuel J John Marshall and Alexander Hamilton : architects of the American constitution
LOREBURN, Robert Threshie Reid, Earl of Capture at sea
MACDONALD, George A. The light side of the law
MACMILLAN, Hugh Pattison Macmillan, Baron Law and other things
MAILLART, Ella K. The cruel way
MAITLAND, Frederic William Domesday Book and beyond : three essays in the early history of England
MARGUERITTE, Victor The League fiasco (1920-1936)
MARTIN, Temple Chevallier The law of maintenance and desertion and the orders of justices thereon
MATHEW, Theobald,   For lawyers and others
MATHEW, Theobald, Fifty Forensic Fables / by O
MATHEW, Theobald, Forensic Fables / by O[i.e. Theobald Mathew]
MEGARRY, Sir Robert E. Arabinesque-at-law
HARBOUR BOARD BUSINESS in great waters : an account of the activities of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board 1858-1958
MILLINGTON, R. The house in the park
MORTIMER, John I spy : a play in one act
MORTIMER, John I spy : a play in one act
MORTIMER, John I spy : a play in one act
MORTIMER, John I spy : a play in one act
MURRAY, K. M. Elizabeth The constitutional history of the Cinque Ports
NICHOLSON, Anthony Esprit de law
NIELD, Basil Farewell to the Assizes : the sixty-one towns
NUMBER four : the making of Constitution Hill
PAGET, R. T. Hanged – and innocent? / by R.T. Paget, S.S. Silverman [with an epilogue by] Christopher Hollis
PARRY, Edward Abbott Concerning many things
PARRY, Edward Abbott The gospel and the law
PARRY, Edward Abbott The seven lamps of advocacy
RAYMOND, Ernest We, the accused
ROE, Richard Straws in my wig / by Richard Roe [i.e. Francis Cowper]
ROSE, Andrew The prince, the princess and the perfect murder
ROZENBERG, Joshua The case for the crown : the inside story of the Director of Public Prosecutions
RUOFF, Theodore B. F. Legal legends and other true stories
SELDEN, John Seldeniana or, the table talk of John Selden, Esq. / Introduced and annotated by Justice Ajoy Nath Ray
SEN, B. A short history of English local government administration
ST ALBANS cathedral and abbey / edited by Ailsa Herbert, Pam Martin and Gail Thomas
STEPHEN, J. K. Quo musa tendis?
STEPHEN, James Kenneth Lapsus calami / by J. K. S.
STOREY, Graham Reuters’ century
SYMONS, Arthur The romantic movement in English poetry
TEARLE, Christian In Edinburgh and the Scott country with Mr. Fairfield
TERRELL, Edward Admiralty brief : the story of inventions that contributed to victory in the Battle of the Atlantic
TILLETT, Alfred W. Herbert Spencer betrayed
TURNER, E. S. May it please your Lordship
TURNER, Edward F. Legal T leaves : being a lawyer’s tales out of school
TURNER, Edward F. T leaves
WARNE WARNE’S efficient reckoner
WILLIAMS, James A lawyer’s leisure
WONG, Douglas HSBC : its Malaysian story / text by Douglas Wong
WRIGHT, Robert Alderson Wright, Baron Legal essays and addresses
ABDULHUSSEIN, Mustafa Al-Dai Al-Fatimi Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin: an illustrated biography / text Mustafa Abdulhussein … [et al.]
ALABASTER, John S. A closer look at William Alabaster (1568-1640) : poet, theologian and spy?
ARTHUR, George King George V : a sketch of a great ruler
ASHTON, Arthur J. As I went on my way
ASQUITH, Herbert Henry,
Earl of Oxford and Asquith Memories and refelections 1852-1927 / by the Earl of Oxford and Asquith
BADDELEY, Welbore St. Clair Robert the Wise and his heirs 1278-1352
BARTON, Sir D. Plunket Bernadotte prince and king 1810-1844
BERGERE, Marie-Claire Sun Yat-sen / Marie-Claire Bergere ; translated from the French by Janet Lloyd
BEVERIDGE, Albert J. The life of John Marshall
BLACK, Stephen Goldsmith
BLAKE, Robert The unknown Prime Minister : the life and time of Andrew Bonar Law 1858-1923
BLYTHE, Legette Marshal Ney : a dual lfe
BOSWELL, James The Life of Samuel Johnson
BOURNE, H. R. Fox Sir Philip Sydney : type of English chivalry in the Elizabethan age
Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount A great experiment : an autobiography, by Viscount Cecil [Lord Robert Cecil]
CHURCH, R. W. Spenser
CLARKE, Tom My Northcliffe diary
COCKBURN, Henry Cockburn, Lord Life of Lord Jeffrey
COCKBURN, Henry Cockburn, Lord Memorials of his time / by Lord Cockburn, abridged and edited with notes by W. Forbes Gray
CONNELL, Neville Anne : the last Stuart monarch
COWAN, Samuel The Lord Chancellors of Scotland
D’ABERNON, Edgar Vincent,  Viscount An ambassador of peace
DALLY, Emma Claude Mullins : rebel, reformer, reactionary
DAVIES, Eric Daniel : a biography of Daniel Hopkin M.C., M.A., LL.B. : first labour member of parliament for Carmarthen
DEUTSCHER, Isaac The prophet outcast : Trotsy : 929-94
DEVLIN, Patrick Arthur Devlin, Baron Too proud to fight : Woodrow Wilson’s neutrality
DODD, William E. Ambassador Dodd’s diary 1933-1938 / edited by William E. Dodd, Jr. and Martha Dodd
DOWDEN, Edward Southey
EVANS, Lyn Portrait of a pioneer : a biography of Howell Thomas Evans
FEILING, Keith The life of Neville Chamberlain
FLEMING, Peter The fate of admiral Kolchak
FOWLER, Thomas Locke
FRANKFURTER, Felix Felix Frankfurter reminisces / recorded in talk with Harlan B. Phillips
FRANKLAND, Noble Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester
FROUDE, James Anthony Bunyan
GARDINER A. G. The life of Sir William Harcourt
GRANT, James, 82-879 The bench and the bar
GUEDALLA, Philip The Duke
HAMILTON, Alexander The law practice of Alexander Hamilton : documents and commentary / editors Julius Goebel and Joseph H. Smith
HANDOVER, P.M. The second Cecil : the rise to power 1563-1604 of Sir Robert Cecil, later Earl of Salisbury
HARRIS, George The life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke
HATHERLEY, William Page Wood, Baron A memoir of the Right Hon. William Page Wood Baron Hatherley / edited by W.R.W. Stephens
HAWKINS, Henry, Baron Brampton The reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins, Baron Brampton / edited by Richard Harris
HEUSTON, R. F. V. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1885-1940
HOLE, Samuel Reynolds The memories of Dean Hole
HORTON-SMITH, Lionel Graham H. The Baily family of Thatcham
HUNT, John, Baron The ascent of Everest
HUTTON, Richard H. Sir Walter Scott
IRVING, Washington Life of George Washington
JAMES, Henry Hawthorne
JONES, B. M. Henry Fielding : novelist and magistrate / by B.M. Jones
KNOX, Collie It might have been you
KONEFSKY, Samuel J. John Marshall and Alexander Hamilton : architects of the American constitution
LIMB, Sue Captain Oates soldier and explorer / Sue Limb and Patrick Cordingly
LLEWELLYN, John Desmond Seys Biography of Sir William Williams, 1634-1700
LLOYD GEORGE, David Lloyd George,
st Earl of Dwyfor War memoirs of David Lloyd George
LUDWIG, Emil Bismarck : the story of a fighter / Emil Ludwig
MAGNUS, Philip King Edward the Seventh
MAITLAND, Frederic William The life and letters of Leslie Stephen
MARTIN, Sir Theodore A life of Lord Lyndhurst
MATTHEWS, William Memories and meanings
MINTO, William Daniel Defoe
MORISON, James Cotter Gibbon
MORLEY, John Morley, Viscount Burke
MORRIS, Sir Harold The barrister
MOTLEY, John Lothrop The life and death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland : with a view of the primary causes and movements of the Thirty year’s war
MURRAY, Robert H. Edmund Burke : a biography
MYERS, F. W. H. Wordsworth
NICOL, John Byron
NICOLSON, Harold Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart. first Lord Carnock : a study in diplomacy
O’BRIEN, Donough History of the O’Briens from Brian Boroimhe
O’SHEA, Katherine Charles Stewart Parnell : his love story and political life / by Katherine O’Shea (Mrs. Charles Stewart Parnell)
PATTISON, Mark Milton
PAUL, Herbert Queen Anne
PEEL, George The reign of Sir Edward Carson
PENTLAND, John Sinclair, Baron of Early letters of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to his sister Louisa, 85-5 / [chosen by] the Rt. Hon. Lord Pentland
PEROWNE, Stewart The life and times of Herod the Great
PRIME The PRIME ministers from Walpole to Macmillan
QUENNELL, Peter John Ruskin : the portrait of a prophet
REED, Douglas Insanity fair
ROWE, Mercy Elizabeth John Tetley Rowe and his work : a brief record of this life and work in London, Chatham, and Rochester / by his wife
SANDBURG, Carl Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years
SELBORNE, Roundell Palmer, Earl of Memorials
SHAIRP, John Campbell Robert Burns
SHERWOOD, Robert E. The Whitehouse papers of Harry L. Hopkins: / an intimate history
SITWELL, Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, Baron Great morning : being the third volume of Left hand, Right Hand! : an autobiography
SMITH, Goldwin Cowper
SMUTS, J.C. Jan Christian Smuts
STEPHEN, Leslie Alexander Pope
STEPHEN, Leslie Samuel Johnson
STUART, Dorothy Margaret The daughters of George III
TILLETT, Alfred W. Herbert Spencer betrayed
TROLLOPE, Anthony Thackeray
WALKER, Stanley A remarkable family : from the union of the Revd. James King and Anne Walker 1744
WARD, Adolphus William Chaucer
WHEELER-BENNETT, John King George VI : his life and reign
WILLIAMS, Basil Cecil Rhodes
WINNETT, A. R. Feilding Ottley 1877-1958 : a selection of sermons with memoir
WINSTEN, S. Days with Bernard Shaw
YARNALL, Charlton Forty years of friendship as recorded in the correspondance of John Duke, Lord Coleridge and Ellis Yarnall during the years 856 to 895 / edited by Charlton Yarnall
(1947: London) A comparison of English and French law and legal procedure
CAREY, Laurent Essai sur les institutions, lois et coutumes de l’ile de Guernsey
DAS, Bhagwan Thus spoke Ambedkar : selected speeches  Vol.II
GOODMAN, Andrew The walking guide to lawyers’ London / Andrew Goodman; photography by Clive Berridge
KEER, Dhananjay Dr. Ambedkar : life and mission
HART, H. L. A. Essays on Bentham : studies in jurisprudence and political theory

Library Information

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020 7458 7822