Colorado lawyer running naked at Phish concert leads to disciplinary action against second lawyer

According to a disciplinary summary dated Jan. 26, Schielke represented a friend of hers who had attended a concert near Cancun featuring Phish. Schielke’s client alleged another Colorado lawyer who happened to be at the concert, Vincent DiMichele, had injured her at the February 2022 show “while naked, shoved the client and other crowd members when he attempted to rush the stage…”According to the discipline, Schielke wrote DiMichele a letter calling him a”violent psychopath … violent a–hole … an idiot … a shameless, ridiculous boasting s–t … a terrible f—ing attorney … a disgrace to the Colorado Bar, the Phish community, and (his) family.”

Regulators said Schielke requested that DiMichele pay Schielke’s client $50,000, agree never to touch or contact the client again and stay 25 feet away from the client at future Phish concerts.

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