LN Australia…”Bloody Outrageous.”

HOB has learnt from an Australian “law library consortium”? that Lexis Nexis are up to their usual tricks and trying to get customers to pay for a trial that allows looseleaf products and content to be downloaded onto portable devices and not only that; they are throwing a price hike into the bargain as well.

The librarian tells us that Australian Law Librarians have for the past few years been suggesting that the publisher look at replacing looseleaf services (particularly ones which the lawyers have to take to Court), with E-books, which could be downloaded to lap-tops or other devices, such as I-Pads, giving the lawyers greater portability and mobility, as well as eliminating the hours they have to spend filing them? (or?that library staff?have to spend remediating ones which have been mis-filed or not filed at all).

She writes…All sorts of excuses have been made why this is too hard etc. but it seems that at long last LN? have found some good 3rd party software from the following company?? http://www.eis.com.au/ to do the job and now LN Australia are about to embark on a trial of several looseleaf services to be converted to e-books

But surprise surprise – and guess what. They want the clients to pay to do the trial, and here’s the rub, LN expect $15,000 per?library for the privilege.

But that’s not all they want to charge clients? extra for the e-book subscription on top of what they are already contracted to pay for the looseleaf services instead of the client’s preferred option of being able to choose which format they want, for the same or a similar subscription price.

As our librarian says Bloody outrageous. …and we wholeheartedly agree