Lithuanian man in Spain fakes heart attack in over 20 restaurants to avoid paying bill, now on day 42 in jail

Very enjoayble story vis Deseret News

A 50-year-old Lithuanian man, Aidas J., is locally known in Alicante, Spain, as the “gastrojeta” for faking heart attacks to avoid paying restaurant bills. Last month Aidas faced imprisonment again after his 20th arrest in one year of faking heart attacks, according to the newspaper 20 Minutos.

His arrests have occurred in various locations within the tourist area of Alicante, the most recent occurring after consuming a seafood paella and two whiskeys, totaling 34.85 euros. When the staff at El Buen Comer on Calle Mayor stopped Aidas from dashing after his meal, Fox9 reports that the gastrojeta became “visibly upset.”

He explained that he needed to run back to his hotel room to get his wallet, but the staff refused to let him leave. El País described the events that followed, saying, “He lay down on the floor, acted as if his chest hurt and began to shake.”

Staff and customers quickly identified him as the “gastrojeta,” and after making sure he was actually not having a heart attack, he was handcuffed and taken to the local police station, per 20 Minutos. Aidas stayed there until receiving a trial for a minor crime of fraud.

The Daily Mail reported on Thursday that Aidas has now spent 42 days in jail after refusing to pay two fines for his “theatrics.”

Castilla-la Mancha Media interviewed staff at a different restaurant where Aidas faked another heart attack. Adias’ waiter explained the situation, saying a foreigner came into the restaurant, ordered a large seafood pallea, two whiskeys and a coca cola and attempted to leave without paying.

He ordered in Spanish, but as soon as he wanted to leave, he pretended to be incapable of communicating with any of the employees. The waiter said Aidas fell over in the doorway and pretended to be in cardiac arrest until the police arrived.

The photo below was given to local restaurants as a warning to not provide service to him.

One police officer told 20 Minutos that he has arrested Aidas four times, and when he arrives on scene, the “gastrojeta” usually greets him with a smile. After each arrest, Aidas usually is under the influence of two whiskeys and “apparently doesn’t care about spending a night or two in the cell before going before the judge.”
