LexisNexis is testing chatbots for lawyers

According to a report in Venture Beat,  chief product officer Jamie Buckley said  a phone interview with the publication, The goal is to give users the option to take more of a conversational approach to LexisNexis research or AI services, rather than the “typing keywords into a search bar” approach that has become so common.

He went on to tell VB…

“Something that we’re playing with in the lab, we actually have an internal chatbot where you can start asking it questions. It replies with either an answer or what it thinks might be what you’re looking for, and it also helps you filter the results,” Buckley said. “So you might get 100,000 results on the return, but it can help to understand where are some of the differences between the results and then ask you clarifying questions based on that.”

More at https://venturebeat.com/2017/08/23/lexisnexis-is-testing-chatbots-for-lawyers/