Nymity, the producer of a compliance knowledgebase and alerting service for privacy and data protection (PrivaWorks) have announced a strategic alliance with LexisNexis,
Here’s the press Release…
The strategic alliance includes:
LexisNexis Content Provider: Nymity has a multiyear research contract to provide privacy compliance content for LexisNexis. LexisNexis recognized the expertise of Nymity’s dedicated in-house research team consisting of privacy lawyers and former Chief Privacy Officers and selected Nymity to produce privacy compliance content. LexisNexis subscribers who also have access to Nymity’s PrivaWorks have an additional benefit of accessing cited References in PrivaWorks.
PrivaWorks Reference Source Integration: PrivaWorks subscribers now benefit from the LexisNexis legal database as Nymity’s Research Team mines and monitor the database for new and relevant privacy case law, and produce References for the PrivaWorks Knowledgebase, which in turn sends out Alerts to PrivaWorks Subscribers. LexisNexis’ database? contains the hard-to-find but important privacy case law that is not publically available. Subscribers to Lexis.com have an additional benefit as they will be able to access relevant case law in the LexisNexis database directly from PrivaWorks. LexisNexis recognizes? Nymity’s Reference Analysis which complements the value of the LexisNexis database offering.
Nymity Corporate Privacy Compliance Handbook: LexisNexis is the? publisher of this practical handbook, written by Nymity’s research team, which guides readers in the development and/or evaluation of? their corporate privacy/security policies and procedures to help ensure their privacy practices are compliant. This publication is a valuable resource to help develop, evaluate and implement corporate privacy compliance strategy.
Terry McQuay, President of Nymity states: “This strategic alliance provides a great deal of value to both Nymity and LexisNexis customers. This alliance works extremely well due the complementary nature of the offerings”.
About Nymity
Nymity produces the world’s leading compliance knowledgebase and alerting service for privacy and data protection. Hundreds of organizations around the world use the controls-based checklists that are produced daily by Nymity’s dedicated in-house research team consisting of privacy lawyers and former Chief Privacy Officers. The daily alerting service includes controls-based checklists for new laws, codes, case law, regulators’ actions, best-practices, legal opinions and regulators’ guidelines. The knowledgebase provides the comprehensive history of all reference material produced, plus additional compliance resources. Whether complying with privacy and data protection laws in your region, country, or globally, Nymity offers the premier compliance support solution available anywhere in the world.