The NY Daily Times reports on a Manhattan judge who was more interested in researching cleavage than cases…..
Here’s the report in full . Even the fantastic new search capabilities of Westlaw Next couldn’t keep his attention !
A cleavage-crazed criminal court judge – who fathered a son with a young Legal Aid lawyer – quit after officials found a massive porn stash on his work computer, sources said Thursday.
Disgraced Manhattan jurist James Gibbons, a whip-smart ex-prosecutor who once convicted rapists and killers, fired off a terse resignation letter last week after the nasty cache was uncovered.
“There was a lot of porn on his computer – all young women,” an investigator told the Daily News. “Lots of crotch and cleavage shots.”
The Manhattan district attorney’s office is scouring the vile files to determine if criminal charges are warranted – and are checking whether any of the women are underage.
Gibbons, 47, already had raised eyebrows with his ethics-skirting romance with Legal Aid lawyer Jeanne Emhoff, 31, who he fathered a son with weeks ago.
Emhoff’s Facebook page, which was pulled down Thursday, featured a photo of a man with a boy on his shoulder.
The porn revelation staggered the baby’s grandparents.
“This is going to break her heart,” Emhoff’s stepdad said of his wife. “She thinks the world of Jim. … This will destroy my wife.”
Gibbons – who was not arrested – was caught when a computer-monitoring system in the courthouse red-flagged his courthouse terminal, a law enforcement source said.
He was on paternity leave when the images were discovered and the computer seized.
During the 14 years he worked in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, Gibbons was well-known for his efficient handling of street crimes.
He also enjoyed a good reputation on the bench after his December 2001 appointment by departing Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
“He was a very careful judge on the law,” lawyer Adam Freedman said. “If he was using his state-issued computer for illegal activities, it would be uncharacteristic, considering how careful he is on the law.”
Despite the possible conflicts of interest between Gibbons and Emhoff, a source close to the case said, their affair was unrelated to the investigation.
“There is absolutely no link between the judge’s relationship with Jeanne Emhoff and any alleged criminal activity,” the source said. “One has nothing to do with the other.”
It was unclear when the porn was found on the disgraced judge’s computer, but sources said its discovery was just routine.
“In government agencies, and in many private sector firms, employers are able to monitor employee computer usage,” a source said.
Gibbons quit his position with a simple three-paragraph letter that offered no clues to his sudden nightmare.
“It has been a privilege to serve as a judge of the Criminal Court of the City of New York,” he wrote. “Please accept this letter as a statement of my resignation of that office effective today.”
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