Lexis Nexis & HM Revenue & Customs

Sorry it’s not an exciting story about LN smuggling huge caches of cigarettes into the UK.. The Orange Rag reports…

LexisNexis extends its service with HMRC
21 May 2009 09:00 BST 
LexisNexis has announced the signing of two new agreements that are in addition to the products and services LexisNexis already supplies to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
Most recently, LexisNexis has been contracted to supply HMRC with the full Tax LexisLibrary for a further three years.  LexisLibrary is the most comprehensive and authoritative source of UK Tax and Legal Cases, Commentary, Primary Legislation and Secondary Legislation, including exclusive sources such as the Tolley’s Tax Books, Simon’s Taxes, De Voil’s, and the Tolley’s Yellow & Orange Tax Handbooks.
Another new development sees LexisNexis supplying HMRC with its News & Business information distribution tool, Publisher. Publisher draws its content from the Nexis database to deliver customised news and business content from over 12,000 authoritative sources from around the world to desktops via email or an intranet page. LexisNexis has been contracted to supply Publisher for three years, and to extend provision of the Nexis service for a further three years.
