Information World Review reports that? LexisNexis, has launched Lexis Middle East Law ? the online legal information service offering access to United Arab Emirates Federal law and Federal cases, laws of individual Emirates, regional current awareness and expansive commentary on the wider Middle East
Here’s what they say – most of it appears to have been pulled from the Lexis press release on the subject.
The online solution offers information services to legal professionals in both English and Arabic languages and aims at meeting the challenges lawyers face in gaining access to comprehensive legal materials.
The resource combines advanced search technology and international content from LexisNexis with the specialist expertise of SADER Publishers, one of the oldest legal publishers in the Middle East region.
It also allows greater opportunities for collaboration between Arabic and English speaking teams by combining English-language search results with access to the full-text of laws and cases in Arabic.
UAE laws in the resource are searchable in English, but also viewable in full-text in Arabic and searching incorporates English headers in the Arabic text making it easy to distribute the original Arabic for review by a colleague or partner firm.
Claire Melvin, publisher of Lexis Middle East Law, said: ?Historically, translation differences, information gaps and problems with accessing hard copy documents have made it very difficult for lawyers in this region to efficiently carry out legal research. The service has been designed to ensure that legal practitioners have full confidence in the quality, accuracy and completeness of the legal materials they need to fulfill their daily obligations.?
Subscribers will be able to view, search and set up personalised email alerts for daily legal developments in the region, by topic and specific country, through the Middle East Region Current Awareness Service. The integrated news service combines two types of sources: specially written content for the Middle East Law service and relevant regional material international legal news services from LexisNexis.
In addition, subscribers can access specially written current awareness content for the region. Content includes the daily Middle East Legal Newspaper Index, covering key legal news stories from regional newspapers, and Middle East News Analysis, which features daily updated summaries and expert legal opinion on the latest legal developments from government and regulatory sources.
Lexis Middle East Law is available at