Lex Blog To License Out Platforms To Law Firms, Bar Assocs etc

Interesting report in the  ABA Jnl on how Lex Blog have taken their website and blog building service for the legal industry to the next level

Here’s the report…

LexBlog will license its digital design and publishing platform to law firms, bar associations, web development companies, marketing agencies and other legal publishers.

The company designed Apple Fritter, its internal design and publishing platform, to allow the company’s art director to design in software on a live website. Now website owners who purchase a license can use the software to design their own pages online without a web developer.

Founder and CEO Kevin O’Keefe explains the licensing decision at Real Lawyers Have Blogs.

LexBlog has transformed itself from a service-based company selling custom design and development for lawyer blogs, LawSites by Robert Ambrogi reported in January. Now it’s something more akin to a software-as-a-service company.

The Apple Fritter platform is not connected to the company Apple: Like other development projects, it’s named after donuts sold across the street from its offices.

LexBlog is following the lead of other companies, according to O’Keefe. Amazon, for example, licensed its digital department store technology to Toys R Us and licensed its cloud hosting technology to third parties. The Washington Post licenses its publishing platform to other news publishers.

“It’s a nice model,” O’Keefe writes. “Develop the software platform you need to succeed and license your technology to third parties whose services exceed the scope of yours.”

Apple Fritter allows client publishers to publish, distribute and track their posts, articles and stories, O’Keefe writes. Designs for various types of publications are provided.

Source: http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/lexblog_will_license_its_digital_design_platform_to_law_firms_and_other_leg