Legal IT Website Interviews Susskind

Susskind’s book “The End of Lawyers” has just gone into paperback. The Legal IT Professionals website interviews him about the book and changes in the legal profession.

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This month, a new paperback edition of Richard Susskind?s last book ?The End of Lawyers?? will be published. A good reason for Legal IT professionals to interview Susskind and ask him about the current status of the legal industry. Today part 1, about the new paperback edition, embracing change, and the impact of the global financial crisis on law firms.

The new edition of ?The End of Lawyers? ?will provide an update of what happened in the legal field since the original manuscript of the book was submitted and will also introduce some of Susskind?s new ideas, new ways of thinking about the practice of law. ?No new findings? Susskind says, ?it’s more to do with providing tools to practitioners who want to try and change their law firms. What I found two, three and more years ago is that most of my time was spent trying to convince lawyers that a change was likely and change was necessary. And I’ve now got to the stage, I believe, when I speak with senior lawyers, that they accept that the legal profession is changing, and now they want more practical help rather than theoretical discussion about the future. So in a sense my period as an evangelist for change is coming to an end, and the kinds of ideas I’m publishing in the paperback edition, resemble more the kinds of ideas that I put to clients when I’m acting as a consultant to a firm on a one-on-one basis.

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