“My name is Yves. I’m a Mexican Londoner. I’ve lived in London for 10 years and work as a corporate lawyer. I’ve been following XR’s demands and activities and I’m here because going on hunger strike and fasting for 7 days is something I can certainly do.
Yves, London
Yves is on hunger strike outside the Conservative Party Campaign HQ.
“My name is Yves. I’m a Mexican Londoner. I’ve lived in London for 10 years and work as a corporate lawyer. I’ve been following XR’s demands and activities and I’m here because going on hunger strike and fasting for 7 days is something I can certainly do.
I believe change comes from within and this is a manner by which I can give a message to political parties to respond and act now on the climate emergency, to tell the truth; to start by recognising the current state of affairs and finally to develop mechanisms such as a citizens’ assembly by which we can participate in order to create the environment necessary for the conditions by which we can live as human beings on this planet.”