Learning Comic Book Law – An Upcoming Class at COMICS EXPERIENCE

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Press Release

Comics Experience is pleased to announce that the legal expert Joe Sergi will be teaching Comic Book Law for Creators, a four-week online course beginning on October 2, 2017. Sergi is a Senior Litigation Counsel for the federal government and the author of The Law for Comic Book Creators: Essential Concepts and Applications, as well as a comic book writer and novelist.

In Comic Book Law for Creators, Sergi will cover indispensable information about legal issues facing comic book creators; contract, intellectual property, and copyright law are among the important topics this course will address.

Sergi began his mission to educate creators about the law after receiving many questions from creators and finding that misconceptions and myths persist in the creative community.

“It is more important than ever for comic creators to protect themselves,” Sergi said in an interview published on the Comics Experience website. “Sadly, there are very few resources available to the creator. To make matters worse, many of these resources are incorrect or self-serving.”

Comic Law for Creators exists to correct both the dearth of information and misinformation about what creators should do to give their comics career a strong legal foundation.

“I use what I’ve learned from Joe every week in my own writing and consulting career in comics and in the entertainment industry,” said Andy Schmidt, the founder of Comics Experience. “I’ve saved thousands of dollars thanks to Joe’s openness, honesty, ability to communicate, and of course, his knowledge of the law. Because of that, I know this course’s true value,”

Comic Law for Creators will meet weekly in Comic Experience’s online virtual classroom from October 2 through October 23, 2017 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., Eastern time. Students will also keep up the discussion about what they are learning through a dedicated online forum for the class. For more information and to enroll, visit Comics Experience’s website, www.comicsexperience.com.
