Lawyers Weekly: Only 7% of Australian lawyers trust ChatGPT (for now)

Lawyers Weekly Reports

As ChatGPT continues to trend globally, more legal professionals are exploring how the platform, and similar artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, can improve their day-to-day and drive efficiency. But Lawyers Weekly can reveal that only a small number of lawyers actually trust the tech fully.

Following the rise of ChatGPT, Lawyers Weekly asked readers how much they trust ChatGPT — or whether they do at all, with almost 60 per cent of respondents revealing that they don’t trust AI tech at all.

This comes after a noisy debate emerged over ChatGPT and similar. On the one hand, platforms like ChatGPT are a “useful resource” for boutique firms and BigLaw firms alike and will require a focus on key skills and a rethink on legal education, even if the new tech can’t replace lawyers entirely (at least not yet).

This has been seen in the recent uptake of ChatGPT in theClayton Utz environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practice, as well asAllen & Overy recently partnering with a chatbot lawyer, “Harvey”. This extends past BigLaw, as numerous sole general counsel have said that AI tech can help scale their workload and improve their workload.

However, there are also fears that the rise of AI could mean the beginning of the end of lawyers — even if it should be used cautiously in courts and demands new workplace policies, and despite the fact that ChatGPT can be used to cheat on law school exams. Billable hours have also been revealed to be at further risk with the development of AI tech.

To read Lawyers Weekly’s full series of ChatGPT stories, click here.

Following this coverage, Lawyers Weekly asked its audience, via a LinkedIn poll, how much they trust ChatGPT (and other similar AI tools) to perform certain legal functions, after a number of legal practitioners voiced concerns about the bot, with some saying ChatGPT is “no different to Wikipedia”.

At the time of closing, the poll results were as follows:


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