Lawyers Arrested In Fiji For Publishing Blog

Radio NZ is reporting that 2 lawyers from the firm Munro Leys  have been detained in Suva because they are suspected as being the authors of independent web site "Raw Fiji News"

Here’s the Radio NZ report.

President of Fiji’s Law Society says one lawyer will have to return to police
20 May, 2009
The President of the Fiji Law Society says one of the lawyers taken in for questioning by police yesterday, will have to return to answer more questions today.
Richard Naidu and Jon Apted from the law firm Munro Leys were detained over allegations they were involved in the anti-regime blog, Raw Fiji News.
Dorsami Naidu says Jon Apted has been asked to return to the police station in Suva for more questioning.
He told Morning Report the two were targeted because they have been critical of the interim regime.
“The law Society Members are not party to it, but they are known to be critical to what is happening, no rule of law in the country, the abrogation of the constitution, things like that.”
The President of the Fiji Law Society Dorsami Naidu


We’ve just checked over at Raw Fiji News and the website is still up with the latest post dated 21 May 2009  ….. and see this post . It appears a thinly disguised Fiji govt wants to purchase the website and close it down..


Thank you but no thank you!
May 21, 2009

Dear Raw Fiji News,

On behalf of the President of Fiji, His Excellency Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda, and the Prime Minister of Fiji, Commodore Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, we wish to formally advice you of our clients’ interest to purchase your Raw Fiji News website.

The offer price is FJ$50,000.00 and can be paid to your overseas account with no questions asked.

If your team is interested and wish to discuss it further, please email us immediately.

As indicated above, there will be no questions asked except for details relating to the exchange of money for the password accessing your website.

Yours Sincerely,

(names and contacts withheld for the time being).

RFN says – This is a laughable email we received from a legal firm complete with its letterhead and senior partners’ contact details.  Can tell they are smugs who know absolutely nothing about the internet world. Awkay, we take their money, give them the password and then what? …. Re-invent another Raw Fiji News of course ….. But nah! We not crooks nor coupsters like you guys. Sorry bros, you dealing with the wrong people!

This is our blog reply to them which they can read right here:

 Dear Fart Warts,

Thank you for your email but let us tell you guys  something – we ain’t interested in your Fiji dollars cause first of all, we’re Freedom for Fiji fighters who are NOT driven by money but by simple principles that command us to fight for the freedom of those who are forcefully oppressed in Fiji by the usurpers Frank & Co.

Second of all, your Fiji dollars ain’t worth much in this side of the woods and is considered  junk money anyway – we see it as stolen blood money and again, we’re not interested, thank you very much .

Third of all, we are not for sale nor can you afford us cause our worth can not be comprehended in monetary terms but in a non-tradable currency you guys don’t understand.

Fourthly, do us a favor and pass on our message to Frank and Iloilo that reckoning time is nigh!

Go on and piss off now!