Lawyers Are Dummies When It Comes To Legal History Says ATL Article

I tend to agree. As the article points out the constant dumbing down of legal research as law schools try to reduce expenditure and become ever more enslaved by the eonomics of WEXIS, a general lack of interest in context by practicing lawyers and yes the primary desire in many to chase the money. Creates a perfect storm of stupidity.


ATL write

Versions of the expression that “those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it” have been attributed to Edmund Burke, Winston Churchill, and George Santayana. In any event, people who do not learn the lessons from the past might not understood how they can avoid similar mistakes in the future, and it is useful to learn history to have a solid foundation for making choices in the present. Legal history is likely not a required course in many — if any — law schools, but lawyers should know about the history of the legal profession so that they can avoid making bad choices.

I have always been a history buff. I got my master’s degree in American history during my senior year of college, and while in law school, I took a few legal history classes. One of the best resources of Above the Law is that it is a solid chronicle of recent legal history, and I regularly google recent legal history events and see ATL articles discussing them.

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