Swayze of Unnatural Vegan has made the following claims in her recent video:
1. Illegality determines the degree to which an action is morally wrong e.g. supporting the meat industry is not as bad as supporting human murder on the basis that one is illegal.
2. Funding animal agriculture with the knowledge of the damage it causes doesn’t make you a bad person.
3. Anti-Vegan and hardcore “carnivore diet” people are a bigger issue to Veganism than the average carcass muncher.
4. Vegans should receive more kudos for simply participating in the economic boycott of animal products (lol).
5. Criticizing Carnists is not an effective form of activism.
I refute them all in my response. Like ALL WELFARE and Apologist- based positions, Swayze’s “arguments” are rooted in human supremacism. Swayze downplays and often times, completely excludes the interests of animals from her narrative leaving them in a moral and political sphere of commodity and violence.
Animal welfare is the idea that you can enslave, kill and rape animals in a nice way. This philosophy and its values, along with the people who perpetuate it, need to be eradicated from the movement.
Animals MUST be liberated and have absolute protection and moral rights under the law. That will NEVER happen so long as Welfare remains the dominant ideology which dictates human’s relationship with animals.
Patricia of That Vegan Lawyer is an Australian qualified lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW in Australia. She also has a liberal arts background, majoring in English literature, while also being a previous Honours student at the University of Sydney.
That Vegan Lawyer creates simplified legal break downs of high profile cases with a particular focus on animal rights, global Feminism especially Sharia law, and celebrity cases, such as the Michael Jackson allegations.
That Vegan Lawyer is NOT a pacifist, a moderate or a politician. She is unapologetically Vegan, an Animal Liberation Activist, and a FREEDOM FIGHTER. ?
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